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Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
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Photographer World of mushrooms group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1068205258541731840/feed All my content marked with #myphoto is original. Thank you for tips and everything !!!
I like to live stream PC and Android games. And i am also a PC Repair Technician and a Linux Enthusiast. 👍🍟🍔🍵.
I am a student to a community college and I probably will just post my blog and comment on stuff and people I think are cool.
Trader, IT-Technolog, CEO Founder, Financial analitic
Brasileiro, acredito que imposto é roubo e que o Estado é uma gangue de mafiosos. Sou a favor de liberdades individuais e adepto do principio de não iniciar agressão.
#Virgo queen#. I love baking, cooking and making friends... And yes I'm an introvert.... I love trying out new things .... Most of all I love God and I love people ... Don't forget to like , vote, subscribe and remind..
I AM JARV. Founding fathers spoke of a painting with a sunset/sunrise.. Ben (I believe it was) asked, is it a rising sun or a setting one.. in 1776 it was rising. And what about NOW? The West is Ending.. Or is it REALLY?
Oct 2021
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