
Free Thinker, Ginger Extraordinaire Self proclaimed King of the Gingers
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Dead Youth: A Comedy - When all 25 year olds start dying of an undiagnosable illness, one young man approaching what may be the end of his life takes refuge in denial, until his first experience with love shakes him out of his comfortable but deadening complacency. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deadyouthfilm/
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Journalist/Author Alma Mater: Saint Bonaventure University Phone: 716-479-8921 Email: [email protected] BOOK CATALOG: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HOMER SIMPSON - 2004 NO TIME FOR TEARS: TALES TO BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT TO - 2007 UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE - 2013 IT WAS MY TURN: HOW I LOST AND WHY IT'S YOUR FAULT - 2017 SOMETIMES SHIT HAPPENS - 2018 THE SEXY MISADVENTURES OF FELLATIO STEVENS - 2018 THE BUCKET LIST OF PUBERT G. WILLIAMS - 2018 GET THE SENSATION - 2020 https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/up-to-my-eyeballs-in-sunshine/0ccc7ee0-c765-4705-9803-97cc21dacd14
Christian, Independent Journalist, Free Spirit, Free Thinker - Check me out on Gab at http://Gab.com/MrKennedy or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BrendenEKennedy
Simply A Menagerie of many things. I create and dabble in a multitude of diffrent art forms. (Mostly messes made with paint that I happen to find Aesthetically pleasing.) And since this trait has clung dearly to my being all the way through childhood I suppose at this point I can classify myself as an artist. Another childhood gift gone rogue, Turned into tendency, has Allowed me to see what many others are blind to. This ability has led me on a path as a Spiritual Advsior who strives to help those that seek guidance. My readings are geared toward healing, yet I primarily focus on what my clients can do to manifest the most beneficial outcome regarding their particular situation and beyond. I am a constant pursuer of truth and all things righteous. A symptom of which, being an equal visceral opposition to any harm, deceit, or, injustice. Especially when the innocent fall victim. My Aura is Ancient The spirit is vast Love is abundant Truth will outlast
Founder & Host of Bro History Podcast I Break Down Geopolitics and History from a Non-Interventionist Perspective. https://brohistory.fanlink.to/historypodcast
Daily curated pictures, only the best. No duplicates! Feel free to suggest themes! Tips welcome, theme suggestions along with a tip will happen faster! Donations <3 -------------------- @inquisitor_firebrand - 20 tokens (!) @Vulgaris_magistralis - 1 token @SSuiteOffice - 2 tokens @twodogs29 - 5 tokens @TheGypsyThread - 4 tokens @dragonman404 - 5 tokens @SwittersB - 2 token @DavidGreem - 3 tokens Thanks friends ;) (let me know if you want your donation to be anonymous)
Apr 2019
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