Independent Memeologist?
If you like my memes, please steal them and repost.
Deus Vult
866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423)
Veteran - ESSAYONS!
DIY dude, Tech Projects, Home Renovations, Engineering Student, Ham Radio Operator, Photography. Navy Veteran. Sometimes I post my projects & video game clips on Rumble and Bitchute.
I'm just a guy who likes the truth and dislikes wimps.
I don't care what color you are, who you sleep with, or whether or not you believe in extraterrestrials.
If you love this country, like I do, then we can be friends.
I believe people can love each other, it really isn't that hard.
I've been married 35yrs to an angel that gets me.
I love coffee, bacon, and beer.
I don't tolerate stupid, and I won't defend ignorance.
10 years served in the Army as an 88M.
I'm an American through and through. I love this country and will honor my oath well after my obligation is fulfilled.