Sean Patrick Riot
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Friend. Farmer. Freedom Fighter. "All Great Truths Begin As Blasphemies"
People's NDE Testimonies To Hell & Back
Former Reagan Republican, Now A Trump Republican! Retired Business Mgr
#AllLivesMatter or #NoLivesMatter......... Also I don't support the left or right, just so you know... Just here posting memes and funny videos. I don't down vote or block users, you're free to act silly, it's a free speech platform :)) but you're definitely sure I won't pay attention to your silliness, at my age I am way past petty adolescent behaviors. Lastly, I identify as "DEMIGOD".
"Truth is treason in an empire of lies..." Defenders Of Liberty. Admin. CMS. Gamers. Media Production. Activism. Education. Consulting + More
πŸ€—Please feel free to send content requests to any of my channelsπŸ€— HouseOfBoobs @powerslav3 HouseOfSexyGirls @powrslav3, HouseOfPorn @Powaslav3 #busty #girls #boobs #tits #nsfw Sexy hot erotic art beauty Horny XXX sex pussy porn
Good Vibes.....MEMES for everyone 😊 Welcome to my channel. Subscribe if you like.
A Short, Balding AnCap farmer with a camera and internet access. politics, culture,Rando Farm stuff and calling out the bullshite. Often prone to sophistry higher than my intellect should allow. #2ndprotectsthefirst #pewpew #LibertyOrDeath #MindYourOwnBusiness #AnCap #Farmlife #FarmOrDie #Libertarian #Voluntarist #Mises #Rothbard.
πŸ’–Welcome to my ChannelπŸ’– Follow Me ( I Follow back )……………………………… Upvote Me ( I Back Upvote you)…………………… Comment on Posts ( I Upvote & reply you)…………… I am a Content Creator (Support me) #Nature #Photography #plants #BeautifulViews #Art #Cooking #Minds I feel like I'm a beginner in everything in life. You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you. Thanks for visiting my Channel πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
A lover of nature, travel goddess✈️ , a foodieπŸ˜‹, open to learn new things and also open to make new friends😌...
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May 2021
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