Techno, fly fishing, nature photography, ecology, biology.
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
-Aldo Fucking Leopold
I am a young heathen from Babylon.
Hail Satan.
Crush Trumpism with Creativity and KIndness
All photography and music by me.
Zero = Superposition = Quantum = Empty Space
A zero solution equation must consist of something/s and anti something/s
The balance of something and anti something is the mean (nothingness)
Space is not empty, It is only empty on average.
Particles are pulled from empty space (nothingness) with opposite energy types.
Quantum mechanics states that, on a very minuscule scale, for diminutive stretches of time, something and anti something spontaneously appears and disappears.
Synchronized fields fluctuate in phase between existence and anti-existence to be a "soup" of nothingness. Inevitably, field's will "slip a beat" by error to bring un-Synchronized fields (imbalances) into existence.
Imbalances/energy don't want to exist - they always seek to flow to the mean (zero). Isolated imbalances/energy exists because they have nowhere to flow to (yet). Could accumulated, out of phase imbalances explain the origin energy of the Big Bang or universe/multiverse ?
Something is just an imbalance.
An imbalance is entangled by its opposite.
If this imbalance was to meet with its entangled opposite, both will return to the mean of zero (nothingness).
Is a black hole an accumulation of our entangled opposite?
Guten Tag Fremder, ich würde dir gerne meinen Namen sagen, aber ich darf es nicht, sonst nehmen sie mich mit. Ich würde dir gerne so vieles über mich erzählen, doch sie werden alles gegen mich verwenden. Deswegen darf ich hier nur über das Thema reden, das am wichtigsten ist. Jeder sollte alles sagen dürfen. In dem Moment wo du nicht alles sagen darfst, nehmen sie dich entweder nicht für voll, oder sie haben Angst vor dir. Um zurück zu einer freien Welt zu gelangen, müssen wir kämpfen.
Der Kampf den ich wähle, ist so friedlich wie möglich.
Shit posting till i die,
throwing shit still it sticks,
make public where they lie,
The tears they cry is the juice we sip.
Deutsch Rechts Internetgeschädigt
Wir werden erst aufhören, wenn das Volk frei ist.
hier gehts zu einer Deutschen Musik Gruppe auf Minds: