
Warning: 🔞Lewds and political hot takes abound, but always with love~ @nicole22185 is mine❤️❤️❤️ 光復香港,時代革命
Note: This is an abandoned account. Find me on abyss.cafe/@rheadono and other social media. Primordial lewdposter of minds. mlem. My ar(t)chive: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1226428635092373504/feed
Professional tomfoolerist. Poster of memes and bad takes. Politik-brain on detox.
I love nature, music, food, travel and family Ich liebe Natur, Musik, Essen, Reisen und Familie Volim prirodu, muziku, jela, putovanja i familiju Ador natura, muzica, mâncarea, călătoriile și familia
Illustrator, gamer, horror fan, wholesome and unassuming small town Wisconsin boy living in Bumblefuck, Florida.
Game dev now apparently. Working on Em-8ER.
Dutch/Lover of comics/supporter of Indie books. Subscribe to my Youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQtkkhBnsQ9blHcR7CU1WeA
Dumb bitch hours are 24/7 // #1 hikikomori neet Barely on here Commissions on hiatus
I crack jaws and swing swords of the ancients;
American / Journalist / Republican / Free Thinker / Trump Aligned / Agnostic / Capitalist / Observer / Individualist / Shit Talker ✌️🐸 Modern Republican: https://mdrnrepublican.com Used to play with words, write deranged stories; nowadays I commentate on politics.
Peabody winner, official GBLT figurehead, and Marxist 🏳️‍⚧️ TikToker. Polydronsexual. Pronouns: He/Hee. Key Grip for #CumCop
Jan 2021
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