pete yates

Philosopher, poet, musician, yoga teacher
Progressive/Green News and Views
Content Creator. Focus on increasing #crypto adoption. #Bitcoin
Engine of Arruk arisen from the raided tomb. Philosopher, Luthier, Activist, Political Analyst, Free-Thinking, Millennial: Founder of Progress Holistic
NWO_down. The unofficial minds channel of Truthstream Media.
Crypto Zombie is daily Bitcoin, altcoin, and cryptocurrency news! Here we discuss coins like Ethereum (ETH), blockchain technology, tokens, ICOs, STOs, IEOs, host interviews with top projects and startups, and bring you the most up to date and relevant breaking topics in the fintech space!
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Art with Intention 🌿 CA~NY  Flow state Mandala painting On canvas, yoga mats & bodies.
A scientist (clinician) by trade and philosopher by passion. Staunch supporter of the peripatetic school and lover of nature.
I'm here to present to you the finest psychedelic / visionary art I can spawn into this world ... One reason : LOVE Join our Psychedelic / Visionary Art Group : Get prints merch and downloads at the Warp Shop : Interactive 360Β° gallery, video and more on my Website : Bio : After graduating in the year 2000 in both the visual arts and graphic design I settled in my first studio and continued painting in oil & acrylic, making sculptures, experimenting with paintbrush, photography, audio and video, constructing installations and much much more. Besides creating for the sake of art I was lucky to find some jobs such as special FX painter, decor and light artist for theather and events, video technician and director for live events of an on the road radio-show and the making of decor for TV series, movies and festivals . This way I kept myself submerged in the world of visualization and kept adding to my collection of skills. One day - after deciphering and following up on the advice coming from an overwhelmingly colorful being in one of my dreams - my artistic efforts pivoted, took off and have been able to join many international festivals and events - reaching to far corners of Europe, Japan, South Africa, Australia and the US. At this very moment I am still focused on deeper exploring my visionary path while using a mixture of new-born methods in the digital realm. My latest exhibitions included a panorama of digital art prints enhanced with vivid layers of augmented reality and supported by my video projections they made a smooth transition to my 360Β° VR art installation content. Mind-expanding visions and offering a glimpse behind the increasingly becoming transparent veil form the common thread throughout my oeuvre. I could ramble on for hours about being inspired by the many great path clearing dreamers, visionaries and philosophers, pioneers and shamans , writers, musicians and artists who all used the same kind of mental tools to connect the dots in this quite mystical world. My works are an attempt to translate these culture-bridging and world-unifying psychedelic experiences into a recognizable and soul-touching visual inner language. And thus with not only the goal to inspire spine chilling awe but to go beyond and pierce through the self generated mirror-world and stay connected directly to the source. "You are all that is." --- Supported by and Many Thanks to : @SatoriD @mindsplus @FretzCapo @Fractalizer @curryhobo
Official Minds account for the Bitcoin and Friends animated series!
Jun 2015
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