location_onNepal, Nepal
A student of life
I breath music and toy its instruments, I'm loaded from my hair to toes' nails with entertainments. I love to express my feelings with graphics and visual. The worst fact about me is, I passionately love those who love me and pretend to love my haters. NFT: https://paras.id/shollykay.near/creation
Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
Welcome to my channel. Subscribe, comment, upvote, remind, quote and I'll reciprocate. A Geophysicist, MUA, Sole Proprietor.
Just a guy who likes free speech & crypto ! posts are for informational purposes only and not financial advice • dyor
I love nature, architecture and photography.
I like meme's, funny videos, sick-silly sh@te, Twitterladies, hentai, Animae, manga, pre-woke films (any directors cut), pre-woke television (currently M*A*S*H), I like art/nature/travel, festivals clubbing, concerts, I may be offensive, rude, obnoxious and brutal, but how is one supposed to live for being called racist for simply existing. All forms of government are crimes against humanity and it should be blatantly obvious the leaders of our respective countries are trying to murder us in various ways each one sicker, stranger, and slightly more deranged than the other. Like me, Hate me but if we don't start fucking them all to death they are they will and they will continue to do it to all of us, thank you. I also have dark humour that is dark, dirty and leading to insanity...
Nepal, Nepal
Oct 2021
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