
Look at who is running Pfizer right now.
"If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce.." College student. gAmer (hard A). Memes. Independent news over MSM. Pronouns go brrrr.
Comic writer, comedian, free speech absolutist.
White South African, self proclaimed artist, right wing altright white fascist super scary nazi hitler who doesn't even make excuses for farm murders or anything.
American producer, engineer, Independent artist, vocalist and songwriter from California. Currently producing instrumental music in multiple styles and genres… for now
Statistical Organizers & Visualization Activists | Illustrating the Chicago values of murders, crime and mayhem at HeyJackass.com
Independent blogger
I am not Pro (Russia-China-Cuba-Venezuela-Brazil-United States) I am Pro-Humanity I don't believe in (Communism, Capitalism, Imperialism, Monarchism, Socialism) I believe in Humanism I don't believe in Competition but in Cooperation We do not live in a globalised world, but in a globe. When you say (My Exceptionalism, Nationalism, National Socialism...) I say Yes... WE ARE ALL Exceptional, we all live in a Nation, we are all Social beings.... When someone asked Buddha 'What God do you believe in' he replied 'What God do you believe in?'💕✨😏 My pronouns: 'Stop, making, up, bullshlt'.
My pronouns are Arrest/Prosecute/Hang/TRAITORjoe "That which can be destroyed by the truth should be." ~ P.C. Hodgell
Jan 2021
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