Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister
Just an ordinary guy, living for my kids, hoping Trump doesn’t fuck America up too bad.
Current political news and Trump 020
US Navy Veteran, proud patriot, support Trump and General Flynn.
Native Oregonian, Satanist, Trump Supporter , Goth Rap Heart Throb. #MakeAmericaGothAgain
Support this channel's development at www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson This channel presents video lectures by Dr. Jordan B Peterson (psychology department, University of Toronto). Dr. Peterson is a professor and clinical psychologist. The lectures stem from two sources: 1. His U Toronto courses Maps of Meaning, which describes how values, including beliefs about good and evil, regulate emotion and motivation and Personality and Its Transformations, which describes psychological theories from Eliade, Jung, Freud, Rogers, Gray, Luria, Sokolov, Vinogradova, Panksepp, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Solzhenitsyn, as well as psychometric models such as the Big Five. 2. His public lectures on topics of general psychological relevance, including the meaning of music, the significance of hero mythology, and the structure of the world as represented in religion.
Free thinking Trump voter
I'm a Estonian guy, who is Digital Marketer in Social Media(FB, Instagram), Search Engine(Google, Bing) fields. I'm a Strong supporter of Free Speach, President Trump and of course Capitalism. If you find my topics not suitable to Your beliefs, then Change My Mind
Feb 2019
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