
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”🤣😂
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I'm a Journalist who left Journalism after being censored during my coverage of the 2004 Republican National Convention in NYC and subsequently being blacklisted due to the blanket policy Newsday instituted during their circulation scandal (Two unrelated & unfortunate affairs). I've decided to re-enter the Journalistic arena due mainly in part to the various Youtubers whom have breathed new life into my Field as of late, with their coverage of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election firmly entrenching these various folks as the new standard in freelance Journalism. As I am re-entering my field, I felt this would be the perfect place to start, especially since Mr. Dave Cullen (@DaveCullen) of Computing Forever fame is one of the people I cite as reinvigorating my faith in the field. I appreciate his indirect hand in making this decision as well as his direct affect he has had by guiding me to this website. Hopefully I will be able to utilize this site to the full extent of its promising potential. Again, Dave, my thanks to you sir. About Me: - From New York, born, raised, currently reside. -Generation Y -Second Generation American, my Family came here in the 1930's -Youngest of seven Siblings, One Brother, Five Sisters - Sicilian Father, Irish Mother, both Catholic -American and doesn't go in for invisible winged people with bathrobes and harps that live in the clouds dictating my actions -Lapsed Traditionalist Catholic -Urban Layman - Hates Manhattan, except for the food vendors -Grew up as a Bayman working the waters around Long Island with my Father and Sisters, developed a fear of the water from it -The Black Sheep of a Military Family -Shot in the back of the head point-blank with a .22 Pistol and survived back in '97. -Got my head stomped in purple by a pack of Latin Gangbangers I pissed off up on DPA back in '98. -Unintentionally caused the riots at Woodstock '99 (My Bad) -Eyewitness to the Miami Beach Bath-Salt Zombie Apocalypse -The Son of the Man that poured the foundations for the original World Trade Center Complex and Trump Tower -Straight Off-White Male and Loves Naturally Curvy Voluoptuous Buxom Hourglass Women -Constantly writes 'LOL' in posts, because I mean it, lol -If you Subscribe to me, I make it a point to try and Subscribe to you too -I don't drink alcohol -I don't smoke tobacco -I don't take drugs -I don't eat junk food -I don't watch Television -I don't listen to the Radio -Pro-Marijuana -Anti-Opiate -Libertarians irritate me -Conservatives annoy me -Liberals piss me off -I don't like Republicans -I can't stand Democrats -I hate Progressives -Ignore the Feminists -Screw the Socialists -Death to Communists -Independent Undeclared/Undecided Centrist -Progressive-Liberal/Conservative -Critical Rationalist/Skeptical Analyst -Patriotic Seditionist -'Neutral Good' Alignment -Environmentalist -Climate Realist -Pro-Green Energy (when it's finally fully viable, that is) -Anti-Feminist (I'm Pro-Woman) -Anti-Lbgtqr5*&@%#$? (I'm Pro-Gay/Trans) -Anti-Globalist (I'm Pro-Humanity) -Anti-Nationalist (I'm Pro-American) -Anti-Buzzword (See previous four statements) -Anthropological Journalist -Amateur Linguist/Phoneticist/Translator -Crippled New York State employee that got screwed by NYS, so no money. (I used to deliver the Solar Panels to the houses in the Green Energy Programs as part of my job) -Former Bouncer (Queens/Nassau/Suffolk) -Cook - Comic Book Freak (until SJWs destroyed my faith) - Crafter of Gundams - Part time Dungeon Master - Turntablist (Scratch DJing Academy, class of '06) - Disc Jockey (Former on-air affiliate 90.3 F.M. Garden City, NY & 1440 A.M. West Babylon, NY) -Kenjutsu Enthusiast -Left defensive wing (Street Hockey) -Point Guard (Basketball, F-League) -Rescuer of Puppies -Bonsai Aficionado -Fish keeping enthusiast -Amateur Drummer/Percussionist -Amateur Guitarist -Kayaker (currently in-between Kayaks) -Ikebana Practitioner -Kite Flyer -Only New Yorker I know off that plays the Didgeridoo. (That would be me.) -PATRIOT -MY GROUPS: 3D's: DIALOGUE, DEBATE, AND DISCUSSION AMERICANA AWESOMENESS 'Murica The Church of Kek The Dungeon Masters Guild We the People =============================== shave some time off -------------------- @FunnyMovies ← -------------------- @Tokens ← - - we're a libertarian site open speech kinda place, we'd prefer no ads than bowing to them. minds pride themselves on never censoring or banning non-illegal accounts. Our minds Group ============================= tnx for the wire @alexandriabernieheather x1 @lilycreek x3
SWF files in mass and daily updates. Who could ask for more? I update the website daily with new funny SWF videos.
MRA *** Honoured member of the weasel clan, guardian of the safe-space of the Pronoun Liberation Army. We don't trigger, we pull the trigger. *** MGTOW Opt-out: STARVE THE BEAST ! ******** ########## GROUPS: Remember the USS Liberty GTR 5 USS Liberty (AGTR-5) Mens' Rights Suggested Sources: Brother Nathanael: Brendon O'Connell: Harry Vox: Harry Vox: Amazing Polly: Technology / Science / Future
Joined on: Apr 20, 2017 CAN YOU HANDLE THE ONLY TRUTH??? I MIGHT POST SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE...I WILL POST IT ANYWAY. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. -Abraham Lincoln Nothing wrong with long as the right people get shot. Clint Eastwood Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @BanIslam x33 @Secftblgirl x28 @tomtomandt x26 @Mark1978 x19 @Willieleev1971 x19 @tstjohn x16 @Kbug68 x14 @FutureShock x12 @comptonj60 x11 @Squarepegs x10 @shaunf521 x7 @ObservingLibertarian x7 @BrandyNM82 x6 @ricanare x6 @Coreyjr1971 x5 @Milica42 x5 @delinquentdude x4 @FretzCapo x4 @Netjr x4 @Aragmar x4 @FloriaMagnifico x4 @bonesage x4 #Buffie x4 @Weaver01 x3 @spreadophilia x3 @KenClark x3 @Antisocial_Network_Radio x3 @Weaver01 x3 @Evilbucket x3 @ruls x3 @John404 x3 @bikos_gr x3 @lauralcorvino x3 @WrapHops x3 @MontanaMama x3 @Schnepf13 x3 @shaine x3 @mindkind x3 @corwin155 x3 @rainbowlightningwoman1 x 3 @brandyd x3 @OrmrVoid x3 @entryreqrd x2 @JaeNet x2 @funditionofficial x2 @JamesN @outlines x2 @sharonmonaco x2 @UndercoverAngel x2 @Amberflamezzz x2 @thechocolatemuff1 x2 @RC_Constitutionalist x2 @Why96 x2 @TPlon x2 @MindCakes x2 @kryptopic x2 @Coreyjr1971 x2 @jrgeebeejohn x2 @fractalizer x2 @plrh8r2020 x2 @LordShooter x2 @FloriaMagnifico x2 @r3k4b x2 @Shannon222 x2 @Slingblade_SW x2 @budmar x2 @cmadzier x2 @zanbo x2 @dukecannon @lcolias x2 @TheStrike x2 @naturespirit x2 @EssentialAl93 @Timmortal @Henkster @scottcbusiness @Reau @scottychams @ladyhug @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @delinquentdude @Papa_Joe @Thien7761311 @Dragons_Lair @Consistent @RBAnder @Stooshie @nguyenanhtu @Pewsplosions @vishalreddy @Foodtravel @RebelRadio @StormFeather @entryreqrd @ChrisDoogood @FaizanKhan @UnchainedChannel @AnonFPV @HumbleHashMaker @Fhedesh @cryptonuts @DevilsDevil @huhwhtfkr @huy_guitar108 @RevengeOfThePatriot @AngelWashingtonOfLight @Chimaira @DamianKidder @Tonysold @bogdanmogo @regionora @Alpha_Furyan @jton008 @Shakara @calvinweight @ChainsawCowboy @xxxminibierxxx @BasGosen @KRDucky @123ProverbMonkey @WalrusMallone @Overrun @IncognitoFX @c5c5c @JenaGoddess @jcinchrist @Shakara Hello... I like sharing anything, voting & commenting. I like politics, current events, self defense, war history, weapons, martial arts & music. I post things' that are real, not real and sometimes unbelievable. I don't care if information is real, fake or unbelievable if I find something entertaining I usually share it with others. Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the rights of images, Unless stated. I Do however, try, when ever i can, provide a source and credit the artist. If you would like the image removed please contact me :) I hope you can find something here which interests or stimulates you. Many thanks to all minds who have viewed and shared this content. Thanks to those who have subscribed or perhaps unsubscribed. Thanks for the up-votes, the reminds, the down-votes and the blocks. Thanks for just stopping by. Quote: He who is not everyday conquering some has not learned the secret of life. You are the creator of your own destiny. Quote: Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of Life... Groups: The Best of Real Country Great Songs The Tattoo Group MindsVets
what the heck is goin' on? nobody's ever seen anything like it! ——- whatever ‘it’ may or may not be, eh?
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell "That is why the Athenian law maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in America specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises, and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger, public opinion." -- JFK
Apr 2017
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