
Informacje o ceremonialnych i terapeutycznych podejściach do psychodelików.
Content Creator 🎬 Independent Lone Wolf Researcher 📚 If you are active over here then you are probably a level-headed person 🥃🚬
Activism Musician Truth Music. NATURE LOVER (open-minded to live and let live) Some people would call me extremely brutally honest because the only reason why I'm brutally honest is having a photographic memory. I don't like putting up with white lies, pathological Liars, narcissists,s, and people walking around with false egos I'm just down to earth and completely honest because the only thing I really cover-up is my body with clothes. There's a lot of people that have photographic memories and a lot of them can't tolerate people that constantly tell White Lies because it screws with your head when you can remember everything a person says SO honest friends are hard to find!
Actor | Comedian | Producer
Qiaianaa - SPIRIT MENTOR - a reincarnation of QuaYin & Queen of Egypt Hatshepsut Contact only by phone: 0034621216209 Qiaianaa - SPIRIT MENTOR - a reincarnation of QuaYin & Queen of Egypt Hatshepsut Contact only by phone: 0034621216209 -----DONATIONS for my SPIRITUAL JOB dedicated to the Earth--- Recipient: Paulina Lech Address: Calle el Sauce 9, 38670 Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife Transfer title: DONATION HEALING IBAN: ES83 3058 0990 2627 5795 3448 BIC/SWIFT: CCRIES2AXXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #HappynessNewWorld #StopedNWOnowRESETglobal21122020RRRR #meditation #LoveMeditation #SpiritMentor #Mentor #FOREVERfriendsANDloveANDpeaceANDfoodFOReveryoneFOREVERneverENDINGnaturalHARMONY #Mentora #rememberes #membership #memory #always #forever #Qiai #RESET #NewMultiUniversoCosmoMonadis21122020RRRR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #MoskalikPaulina #PaulinaMoskalik #PaulinaLech #LechPaulina #SpiritualCoach #MentoraPaulina #QuaYin #Qiai #Hatshepsut #Qiaianaa #goddess #CosmicGoddnessQiai #members #SweetMeditation #medytacja #meditation #LoveMeditation #SpiritualMentor #Mentor #Mentors #Mentora #rememberes #membership #memory #always #forever #Qiai #memory #forever
SKALE is an Ethereum orchestrated multi blockchain network that gives developers the ability to easily provision highly configurable fully decentralized chains that are instantly compatible with Ethereum. SKALE chains can execute sub-second block times, run up to 2,000 tps per chain, and run full-state smart contracts, support decentralized storage, execute Rollups, and machine learning in EVM. The SKALE Network is an open source project with many contributors including SKALE Labs, Inc. headquartered in San Francisco, CA. The SKALE Network’s supporters include Blockchange, ConsenSys Labs, Hashed, HashKey, Floodgate, Multicoin Capital, Recruit Holdings, Signia VP, and Winklevoss Capital. The SKALE Network is supported by top validators in the world including 01NODE, Ankr, Anonstake, Audit One, Blockdaemon, Blockware, Chainflow, Chainode, Chorus One, Cypher Core, Dokia Capital, Figment, FreshSkale, Hashed x DELIGHT, Hashquark, NGC Ventures, Networks, Staked, Stakin, Stake With Us, WolfEdge Capital, as well as key infrastructure player Bison Trails. For more information please visit, @SkaleNetwork on Twitter, and @skaleofficial on telegram.
Feb 2021
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