PSECmedia: PSEC and Pondscape Documentaries

PSECmedia consists of Paradigm Shift an Educational Comedy (PSEC) and Pondscape. PARADIGM SHIFT AN EDUCATIONAL COMEDY Documentary, Live Streams, Commentary and more! A mix of satire comedy and seriousness to assist in helping humanity in steering its course away from the Collective Stockholm Syndrome that it has been addicted to for countless thousands of years. We're not everyone's cup of tea but if we've helped you retain any of your remaining sanity -- we are grateful! Believe nothing. Disbelieve nothing. Observe, make up your own mind and think critically. We are here to present perspectives for discussion, not hop on any band wagons. Therefore, this channel might inspire you, offend you or a little bit of both. Paradigm Shift an Eductational Comedy was started in 2010 by Dave Kelso and his (at the time) girlfriend. As an aspect of their breakup, the before mentioned girlfriend wishes to be neither seen nor acknowledged in any PSEC content, which is why there is a completely missing 2010 Season. Therefore the official first season of PSEC is Season 2011. Between the years of 2011 and 2014, what we refer to as "The PSEC Crew" started to form. This term is a name given to something with its own momentum that we're merely observing, it is not something you can "apply to be a part of". It is not a group, as such. Initially, this momentum of participants included Dave Kelso (and by proxy Walter Kelso and Katie Pfursich), Katerina Marie Edwards, Jay Larson, Richard Hamilton and Kristen Meyer. Over time, this expanded to also include Paul Roy, Krista Pohl and Jasamine Martin. In 2015, Jay Larson died. In 2020, Katerina Marie Edwards withdrew her participation in PSEC, indefinitely. Dave Kelso and Richard Hamilton have been the solid core of the productions. Everyone else has had a tendency to float in and out as schedules and life circumstances permit. PONDSCAPE Pondscape has existed since 2008, predating PSEC itself. In 2006, Dave and Walter Kelso completed their outdoor pond in the back yard. In 2009, construction of an indoor pond in the basement began. Though to this day the indoor pond is still heavily under construction, it didn't take very long to at least get it to the point of being able to start putting some fish in it. The basement already consisted of a great many fish tanks. Walter Kelso has been breeding fish since he was a kid and Dave Kelso, his son, started participating in that process when he was a kid. The purpose of Pondscape was originally to raise fish for fun, as well as sell them to the local fish stores (pets, not eatable). In 2008, Pondscape expanded into the online world with videos on YouTube, and is starting the process of expanding into as main stream censorship continues to become increasingly more insane, as well as all independent creators being shadowbanned and algorithmicly suppressed in favor of main stream search results within the various search engines. OTHER CONTENT: We also upload third party content (creative commons, fair use, etc) for several reasons: #1 - to increase awareness of channels, projects, etc that we feel people need to know about and hopefully subscribe to #2 - to archive important videos, especially from sites like YouTube, as an anti-censorship measure and #3 - of course fun memes, clips and other fair use and creative commons stuff. If we have mistaken your content for creative commons / fair use and you find it here and you don't want it here, please don't get #triggered and flag it. Simply just ask us to remove it and we will, so that we know to never upload any of your content here ever again. We're not mind readers. Thanks!
I'm here to help us all. I'm unlimiting myself so I may help unlimit you. I expect nothing in return. Like the sun gives light to the moon not expecting the moon to owe it one -Linkin Park (where i heard that first) I intend to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. If we all give more, we all get more to give more again. It's in the "want to" we discover the "how to” If it is meant to be, it is up to me
Every great atrocity is the result of people just following orders. - Source:
--- examining paths --- I do find values from places others might fear. - - -- - - Sometimes reminders of things about life have a person running away from the reminder to other diversions. Some just don't want the discomfort returned. Obviously (or not so obvious) I am not with interest to increase anyone's already too much discomfort. However if there is willingness to endure through to an understanding, there are these subjects which if explored well enough with a goal of empowering can be of help. Sometimes there is appreciation for a type of idea in this space... and then sometimes not. But it isn't the idea offered that determines which. The viewer viewing determines which. As long as I keep my personal intent clean (sometimes requiring razor edge discernment) then the posts themselves should be without harm... any harm possible then is harm added not by me. The process of my posting and the viewer viewing is a cooperation. A clashing should come if there is a mismatching of the ultimate goal. My razor tries to (and kind of does ok to) present ideas which are clean. Meaning without "evil" intention embedded. If any of that is encountered, it comes from a different source than where I am from. Wrapping this post up, please remember the fact that we work within the physical, which means there is an opposition - to everything. So what I am honest about, will seem to have a flavor of dis-honesty somewhere. Well, ultimately the totality of what is, is what one can know totally is. So any result of our mutuality is a sharing result. 100% responsibility.
We believe arming our fellow Americans – both physically and philosophically – helps them fulfill our Founding Fathers' intent with the Second Amendment: To serve as a check on state power.
My Name is Nick K.D. Chaleunphone. My full give name is Nick (Nilavong) Khamhou Dethoudom Chaleunphone. I’m sometimes called Nicky around my family and friends. My Laotian given name is Nilavong, which is a Laotian girls name and it was given to me at birth by my parents in a refugee camp in Thailand. I’m from the state of Connecticut, USA. I am 48 years old. I’m from Laos but was born in Thailand in a refugee camp where they escaped Laos during the Vietnam war. I am a Firefighter/EMT. I am a member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗
I am a professional musician/songwriter from Simcoe,Ontario Canada. I have a background in radio and music journalism. I hope you check out my music
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, you’ll see what I mean. I’m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. I’m also a USPS Retiree. I’ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. I’m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, I’m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOM…I’m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! 3) Europa The Last Battle! 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: 6)“Communism By The Back Door:” 7)“9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJacked” can be found here: 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: and here: 9) for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII... 12) “Caesars Messiah” 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? 14) My Website:
The bulk of my career was in law enforcement and the Air Force. #NRA, #SFF_K2, & #VFW life member. #MindsVets, #DAV, #2A. Le Cordon Bleu graduate. A foodie and wine lover.🍷In addition, I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. More like a Constitutionalist. Any politician that supports ZIONISM is persona non grata.
Aug 2017
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