
yep, growing hemp what I do. I run Van Horn Acres hemp nursery. www.vanhornacres.com.
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, you’ll see what I mean. I’m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. I’m also a USPS Retiree. I’ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. I’m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, I’m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOM…I’m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/anatomy-great-deception/ 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! https://archive.org/details/TheGreatestStoryNeverToldAdolfHitlerTheFullDocumentary 3) Europa The Last Battle! https://archive.org/details/documentary-europa-the-last-battle/Part+1.mp4 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: https://truthpodium.org/v/tsfn4s. 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4OVRiyJqFrpn/ 6)“Communism By The Back Door:” https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHVljnZ61Vtc/ 7)“9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJacked” can be found here: http://fultonbooks.com/books/?book=9_11_2001-the-day-patriotism-was-hijacked 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: https://www.plandemicseries.com and here: 9) www.stopworldcontrol.com for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) https://youtu.be/tYb7byozCeg 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII...https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dwUz6GgnMCL/ 12) “Caesars Messiah” https://youtu.be/zmEScIUcvz0?si=M_xEf8maiA5kGmRl 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VRnXPDuXs&t=294s&pp=ygUhcmVsaWdpb24gY2FuIHlvdSBoYW5kbGUgdGhlIHRydXRo. 14) My Website: https://www.thetruthsmatters.info/
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Leftists are just as smart as conscious people! C'mon, Man! Screw you, peasants! No comment.
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