
Ex House & Senate | Do Not Comply | Serve No More | Shed the Ego | Freedom Inside and Out | Counter Economics and Localism
Knowing The Difference
Author and reporter for RSBN. Written for The Federalist, FEE, The Epoch Times, and many more. Meditation can't cure stupid but it can ease frustration. Sorry guys, I'm a married homeschooler with 5 kids (and no I didn't know you in high school) https://jessicamariebaumgartner.com/
I Won't Be Silenced! #Veteran #MAGA #PROGUN #PROBACON #ProAmerica #IFBAP... If You're Easily Offended, Let Me Know So I Can Poke Fun At You! Visit My Store At https://the-ghost-18.creator-spring.com get something awesome for you and a friend! #ifbap #maga #ultramaga #usa #kag #fjb #lgb #lgbfjb #fjblgb Subscribe To My #YouTube Channel At: https://youtube.com/@tylercasper THE FOUR TRUTHS I KNOW! 1. THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS. 2. WIVES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T. 3. #FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. 4. THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS THE OTHERS AND WILL 🚫 NOT 🚫 BE INFRINGED. OH, And Biden (Brandon), Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and "Cameltoe" Kamala are the disease infecting America. And liberals are idiots. #secondAmendment #prolife #progun #freedomofspeach
the memes must flow
Joshua Done is a Washington State Fantasy and Science Fiction author.
What I do for a living: Security Guard. What I do for fun: Writing short stories. What I do to make the world a better place: Libertarian activism.
Dedicated To Everything Of Planet "X"
By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others - Bastiat
Kat and Mouse off grid homestead for time to time you will see different things on our channel from caring to the animals, crotchet, playing games, chatting, building something like our earth berm/earth ship house. https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/katandmousetn/ https://www.subscribestar.com/kat-and-mouse-tn https://www.twitch.tv/katandmousehomestead https://rumble.com/register/katandmousetn/
Apr 2020
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