Canadian who believes in logic, thinking, learning, gardening, organics, non-violence, feelings, intuition, cats, nature, ET's, angels, and balance.
I tend to be a Conspiracy Factualist
My name stems from many disasters overtaking me, and I keep finding something to continue Smiling about & get back on my feet. A description of my attitude as well as a reminder of Who I want to continue to be :) Short version is Fos.
I like to see "the other side" of any issue, I just wish there was less name-calling and screaming. No need to be foul-mouthed. So I get involved in reasonable, if spirited, discussions and scan past the rest :)
You are here to free yourself. To Know the Truth, first you must know the lie. We find ourselves in the big lie, where society, culture, education, government, religion and the media are all not only severely corrupted, but there is an evil force here that is hellbent on destroying humanity and our entire ecosystem, as we can see every day around us. How do you explain GMOs, chemtrails, medicines that kill you, wars of aggression, environmental disasters and so many angles and levels of destruction? You may ask, “What am I doing here!?” “Why am I having to live in such a corrupted, violent, evil society?” Because it is the big lie, and you are here to experience and learn all about it. You are here to find the holes in the net, to see through this matrix of illusions; to find the way to perceiving this matrix for what it actually is; to see the Truth behind the illusions and deceit. We have all been programmed since birth to believe the great lie to be the true reality. Family, society,religion, culture, the media, state schools, science and many more tentacles have all programmed us from every angle. So we are caught in the big lie. The vast majority of people can’t see that they are trapped in a big lie, and many will attack those that try to expose it. For many people, they are here just to experience the big lie. Not everyone is here to awaken. Remember: Love and Forgiveness.
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda
Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?