
Draftsman, Woodcarver, optimistic guy. Working to figure out how to live a life I'm not ashamed to have lived.
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
Tech enthusiast, lover of nature and of God. Deep thinker and a blessing to humanity
Board certified pediatric gender surgeon licensed in the state of Georgia. African-American-Indian.
#OldSchoolPresbyterianism #WestminsterStandards #SouthernAgrarian John 3:30 (NKJV): He must increase, but I must decrease. Bitcoin: 3KeVAM7QD9HvnkVmTpfZ5bHgcXLastxh1V Etherium: 0xd3e61284be9c6c9b975fb09750c802a8ec1ebc50 Litecoin: MBVSTkRwUpRNZieVmqPdmpejqp7897wKrm Wallpaper Artwork: Benjamin Eastlake Leader (1817-1916), An English River In Autumn
My name is Jacob Newhard I am a Trucker in the USA I primarily drive the highways east of Omaha, NE and do my damndest to stay out of the North East. I am a Constitutional Conservative Libertarian. I believe the government should be 1 person sitting in a room with the Nuclear Football and that’s it. everything else should be done by WE THE PEOPLE and the Market will dictate what will succeed and what will fail.
:::::::Her name was Ashli Babbitt::::::: ~~~ My credentials are my actions, So judge them as you see fit. But it's also wise to keep in mind: I may want you to think I'm a nitwit. ~~ We need to begin to reclaim control over the institutions which have such oversized roles in our lives. As you read this people work tirelessly to see to it that you are dumb and docile. Let's stop them. friend of all fellow travelers; enemy of the Globalist American Regime Be sure to check out the PP Guide: Like: Used liberally Remind: I want to show this to others Quote-Remind: Acknowledging posts that instantly spark an idea Building the Next Americans: Join the MAGA Shadow Government: Weaponize Your Wallet: Want to worship or curse me? See you in church: Just cause you're older don't mean you can't be a good digital soldier. Happy to help all elder #maga soldiers who might need a hand with basic tech & privacy. #FightBack #ResistTechnocrats A piece of performance art, if I were real I'd be schizophrenic. But performance art with a purpose may be just what the situation calls for in our Brave New World of Unreality...
unvaccinated autistic 2000 model shape rotater looking for unvaccinated shape rotater husband. im pretty and can cook and can do math
Tyrant of the Tartarus Group & the crypt-id project. $TAR $TNO $TNY $TNG $CID
Jan 2021
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