
Posting today's news and related spicy memes. Always open to discussion with liberals. Just come prepared. I am not a Russian bot My groups: Cord Cutters MAGA MEMES Breaking 911 Not Tired of Winning Drain the Swamp
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix."
Independent artist with a passion for crypto and good times.
Ade T. About Me : Relaxed , Love Art , Pinball , Vid games . UK based @r3k4b - thank you for the support :) .@leahsaban - thank you for the support @mindsplus - thanks for the support :) @chesschats - thanks for all the support @RedDragonLS thanks for all the support @dsynegrafix - thanks for the support - God bless. @darrenatherton - thank you for the support:) @Art_Lover81 - Thank you for the support :) Thank you to everyone who has supported me by way of wires / tokens or just commenting ;)
How we Learned to Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning Lang 🇵🇹|🇺🇸 --- Our Partners: ºTop Br Eco-Fascist ºNS Esoterism -
Everything in life can be broken down to either Freedom or Slavery. Choose Freedom.
Spiritually, Politically, and Culturally vigilant citizen. Jesus is Lord, the son of the God of Israel. The Bible is scripture, God given wisdom. All denominations are corrupt: "When one of you says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos"--aren't you acting like worldly people?" Nationalism is the right political stance for any nation, and any person should vote this way in whatever country they are a citizen of. All people of European heritage should defend their people and vote and act in accordance with that ideal. Western Civilization is Christian and all whites and all Christians in these nations should strongly defend this culture. The media lies to us constantly and vigilance is required to see events and news clearly. One should always keep an eye on the subtext and subconscious implications of any TV show, movie, and commercial that they see. Capitalism is the natural order and without healthy business and private property rights, we would have nothing that our advanced Western nations enjoy. The Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah, are heretical Jewish teachings received by false prophets from Satan. Jesus himself spoke of these degenerate men, calling them "the synagogue of Satan" and acknowledged that they were in fact not really Jews at all. The New World Order is Satanic, and created and led by Jews. Jews also created the Satanic entertainment industry in both Hollywood and music. They are behind all the perverted filth we see and hear in entertainment. They are behind every disruptive perverted social, sexual, and racial movement that has destroyed the United States Christian culture that made America great and strong. These same Jews created Communism as well, and we know the fruits of all these things. *** In this fight for our people's future I care no more for humility than I do for arrogance. *** Favorite content creators: @blackpilled @redicetv @nowhiteguilt @wayoftheworld @branditx @stefanmolyneux @infowars @markcollett
Software Development | Data scientist | Technology Fan-Boy | Politics | Economics | Race Relations #Capitalist #BusinessIntelligence
I’m not exactly sure to what write here yet, but a little bit about me...hmmm. No such thing as a little bit! There is so much to tell: I’ve been playing musical instruments for 30 years. Most favorite to play is any guitar, and I’ve been loving the bass for the past few years. I obviously play the ukulele, and the mandolin is painful on the fingers but such an awesome sound. I worked in the music scene in the Northeast for more than a couple decades and have been lucky enough to produce and arrange music for multiple well known musicians. I just re-stumbled upon my Soundcloud page and I forgot how much fun I had back in the day! I’ve been messing around with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin for a while now. I taught myself programming so I could mine crypto, now happy to mine, buy and trade a bit. I’m especially fond of sharing info about crypto to those that don’t know too much and learning from those more educated than I. Want to trade some #crypto? Use my link for Binance and get going! If you use my link I’ll wire you 20 Minds Tokens and even send you a few bucks worth of Litecoin to help you get started on Binance! #bitcoin #cryptotrading #litecoin #mindstoken Binance trading in the US! We both get #Bitcoin if you use my link for ABRA! RobinHood isn’t available in all states for #crypto, but there is regular stock trading as well there. If you use my link we both get a free stock! Check it out! #invest Paxful Referral code Blockfi Referral code There’s so much more to tell...I’ll continue to fill this in as time progresses.
Entrepreneur & Internet marketer | Former candidate U.S. Senate | Entertainment Business MS Full Sail University | Cryptocurrency/Blockchain enthusiast
Jul 2019
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