The jews, and their massive crimes, are the issue of our day: 9/11, the World Wars, the mass-murders of millions of Russians under the guise of Communism.
The jews control of our media and our financial system, but they do not control the internet. This gives us the opportunity, and the responsibility to expose their crimes.
Ex-convict of gab's closet andrew torba's khazarian money-grabbing fraud. // 4 tertiary degrees which makes me wise enough to realize how little I know.
Just wanna share interest about nature.
"There is pleasure in the path less woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and the music in its roar; I love not Man less, but Nature more."
Lord Byron
Please support:
Physicians for Informed Consent
The mission of Physicians for Informed Consent is to unite doctors for informed consent in vaccination, and educate the public on infectious disease, the immune system, and informed consent.
Did you know that you don’t have to be a doctor in order to join PIC? You can become a Health Freedom Member for FREE! Your membership will help change the cultural acceptance of mandatory vaccination laws, and help protect all of our children.
I'm supporting my friend Dr Melissa Sell on Patreon. If you want to learn about a new paradigm in health, come and learn about German New Medicine.
I'm supporting my friend Dr Tetyana Obukhanych on patreon. Her mission: "To share my knowledge of the immune system with all those who seek deeper scientific understanding on how to better protect their own health, the health of their children, or the health of their patients."
I'm supporting my friend Levi Quackenboss on Patreon
"If you're new to my blog, my writing is for parents who want to get beyond the CDC and media talking points, and get to the truth about what we're putting into our kids in the name of health. I'm not writing rants here. I use the CDC's own statistics, and cite to the WHO, FDA, and peer-reviewed journals throughout my work.
This account isn't the end game. I am working on something big, and when it launches you may never know who's behind it. But know that your money is going to saving the next generation of newborns.
Don't sign up for anything but the $3 level just yet. I'll let you know when the other tiers are ready."
Recommended documentary series:
Vaccines Revealed
Recommended documentary series:
The Truth about Vaccines
Recommended documentary series:
Sacrificial Virgins
Recommended e course:
Natural Immunity Fundamentals
by Dr Tetyana Obukhanych
Recommended book:
Virus Mania
[free download]
Recommended book:
Vaccination Panic in Australia
[free download]
Many books and documentaries are free online. If you got value from them, consider donating money somewhere. Many people place their careers at risk to speak out. Support the people who do.
If you buy books on Amazon, buy through the following link, and choose Physicians for Informed Consent as your charity. A percentage of the sale price will go to PIC.
Thumbs up.
Don't feed the trolls
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Trolls dislike posts on:
Good science | The myth of herd immunity |
Vaccines and autism | Mercury as a cause of autism | Aluminium as a cause of autism
Thanks so much to the many people who have kindly wired me points.
I am a fictional character created by a bored malcontent who needed an outlet. Try not to take things too personally. I'm mostly harmless. Just a sheep in wolf's clothing.
We are at war with the literal seed of satan and their pet slaves and beasts of the field, who have infested and control every part of national and international authority, finance, news, media, education and even information flow.
This new 'vaccine' is a weaponized DNA-altering (and controlling) final solution to their biggest threat and eternal enemy: the true Children of God.
Find me at other locations:
[email protected][email protected]