News for those that want TRUTH unfiltered and uncensored! Lisa Haven and Justus Knight
host news that Socialists, Communists, Globalists and Radical Left hate!
Greetings, and well met! I'm a metaphysician, an astrophysics buff an experimental alchemist, an earthquake forecaster, life coach for mainly occultists, a video blog political and spiritual commentator, a follower of the Left Hand Path, an agnostic magick user, I have studied the occult and phycology since age 11. I'm an avid gamer currently streaming from Xbox one COD Warzone on Twitch, I have a YouTube under this profile name and I'm Zorastar on Bitchute. I have two Facebook profiles, Joesef Franklin Walker (Zorastar) and Joe Walker. I'm from Rogers, Arkansas.... Wal-Mart HQ land. Same house my whole life. I've traveled to Virginia and Washington DC on the east coast and have been To the west cost of Southern California. I like the painted desert most of all landscapes, but would never give up my Ozark mountains, woods and waterways. I like to network people on social media into my 12 groups that I have created on Facebook and I manage several pages there. I have a Twitter: @joequakewatch. Welcome to my Minds page. I hope you find something you enjoy. Blessed Be brothers and sisters.
Eyes open, no fear.