
(((They should watch out... One day our patience will run out. And then the filthy jews lying mouths will be shut.))) HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS FOR GODS SAKE or they're just marxist cannon fodder.
Post your best pictures and meme's about this character we love (not) so much lmao This is the backup group for the one in Gab. We hope that this group one day surpasses it.
News, discussion, and activism related to protecting and expanding the right to keep and bear arms. Keep discussions civil, and on topic. If I cannot tell, at a glance, how your post relates to the right to keep and bear arms, there's a good chance it will be treated as spam. Spam posts will be deleted. Spammers will be removed from the group. Obvious spammers, and repeat spammers will be banned. Also, please invite your subscribers. Owner: @ButchCrassidy
Owner: @Kriger1488 This group is for posting only White European Folk music such as: Celtic Viking Medieval Pirate Classical etc. (negro/negro-influenced 'music' is not allowed.) Please do not post any Wardruna music. Here is why:
The great migration has begun. The month of March brings our legion to a new platform. Join us on a place we own completely.
Welcome to National Socialists We are a group based on "Historical Revisionism". Our goal is to present and show the real NSDAP as it really truly was. The Hollywood version is a lie and everything we learned in school is a lie. Even our current media is a lie. So if you are browsing through this group, join us and you'll see that what we present here is very different from what you will see out there in other social networks. Why? We show you the real truth! Not propaganda and lies. There are only 3 simple rules here. 1) No Fedposting. 2) No infighting or better yet provoking it. 3) No insulting the Fuhrer and/or degrading him in any way. This includes insulting or degrading the Swastika or anything National Socialist related. I am your only admin here. Feel free to tag me if you have any questions. @nswoodchuckss There is also a group in Gab Chat but you need to use a Chrome-type browser to access it.
News and info regarding the Confederate States of America, historical articles, news, pics, videos. #Confederate #Confederacy #CSA
Who are you going to believe, me or your own two eyes??? “For NOTHING is SECRET that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 8:17) "We REMAIN jews WHEREVER we reside!" ~ Stephen Wise, rabbi and Zionist leader "There are NO English, French, German or American jews, but ONLY jews living in England, France, Germany or America!" ~ Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, the guiding spirit behind the World Zionist Organization All about Zionism, War CRIMINAL isra'HELL and Ashkenazi ==>> FAKE Jews. (((They))) are ALL the SAME ==>> PROVOCATEURS in Peacetime, SABOTEURS in Wartime, and SUBVERSIVES ALL the time!!! Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. Do you still have doubts WHO were the NAZIs in Germany in 1930 - 1945 ... the REAL NAZIs??? Or WHO were the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1915-1920s!!! End US complicity in the human rights violations endemic to Israeli military occupation #soros #rothschilds #khazarianmafia #israel #jews #ashkenazi
Nov 2020
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