I'm Thai, interested in nature and philosophy, cat is my pet,...joined since may 2020 . ชายไทย คนบ้านนอกมารับราชการอยู่ในเมืองบางกอก ชอบธรรมชาติและปรัชญา มีแมวแล้ว 1ตัว , In my content there are #philosophy#quotes, #news, #pets, #travel, #myphotos,#art,#mindsTH //:Thank you for visiting,🙏❤️"absolute love minds"
Inspirational quotes and sayings from amazing people
about life, love, friendship, happiness, confidence, time
passing & more. Favorite: Freedom is responsibility, that is why most people would rather slave around than take control of their lives, inorder to enjoy the accompanying benefits. Be inspired!!!