
I am pro-Israel, pro-Trump and pro-Caroline-Glick. From time to time I translate columns of Caroline Glick into German language, so people in Germany can read true journalism and not the self-censored German media. Look here: I am not Jewish. I am pro-Israel. I use the star as a political sign. And I am NOT working for any intelligence agency.
🔞 A place to share Art's pics but don't forget to mention the author/credit when you know it. If it's not a painting, choose a more appropriate group! Artistic photos : Moderator : @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche I delete publications not related to the topics of this group. Please avoid low quality images, blurry, or pixelized pics Thanks
ANYONE WHO WANTS TO POST MUST ENTER CONTAIN A TITLE AND TAGS AS IT IS WRITTEN BELOW . #Officialnature #Minds #nature #art #flower #surreal #gif #3D —————————————————————— i don't own any content, to the unknown authors. The content that it is not my own. Thank you unknown Authors ! If possible, please credit original artists if you share a material that you have not created yourself. ————————————————————— if you would like to donate to to increase the group and promote it. everyone who donates will be prominent in the group ---------------------------------------------------------------- Admin : @zizisk
This Community is for Patriot Independents, Republicans, Libertarians, and Democrats against the Demonic Socialist Globalist Establishment Parties (DS-GEP) and Global Socialist Tyrannical Corrupt Corporation (GS-TCC). This group is designed to provide Patriots (The Awaken) with a voice, we are the American antibody against anti-American foreign ideals. I will provide reports from other Patriots, but Feel free to post, this should be pro-American, pro-constitution posts. This is the New Real Media (NRM), exposing government and business corruption. (Freedom isn't Free, you must defend it, or there are the corrupt in society that would be happy to take it away) !!! ( Note: ) ********************************************************************** * Please place all advertisements on the right message bar, only! --> Thanks ********************************************************************** Thanks for following, and let this group be a great source of news, that you will not hear from the lame-stream leftist media! Share, and Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped., and THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE!! America is an open society that doesn’t believe in the depression of a class of people, race, or religion, and believes in the freedom to pursue life and liberty with the right to choose their own direction, but without infringing on other people’s rights or happiness! All Patriot Americans support our Constitution.
This group is a place to upload images, preferably ones you created, made or took yourself. The group is moderated by long standing members and creators in our community. The general rules are as follows: We're always open to improvements and ideas! - No Memes - No short links - No Porn or explicit content - Only moderators may share urls Check out more groups in our little community #MindsGaming #Photography #Art
Jan 2019
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