I believe in unifying all beings into alignment with unconditional love for everything. I believe in creating new systems that provide for our people and i choose to act in a way that empowers all sovereign beings into freedom. How may i support you into higher levels of sovereignty? I invite you to learn more about a global network of micro-nations and sovereign beings, the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/
I am an an Ambassador for the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty and a Multidimensional Being here as a conduit of Unconditional Love. I share this love through multiple healing modalities that include sound alchemy, breath work, aromatherapy, crystals, light and touch. I walks an ecstatic path of immeasurable love and service to all to raise the vibration of the collective to higher frequencies while Inspiring and empowering others to seek inner truth. You can find out more about me and my purpose here http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/