
Trump supporter, Dragon Ball fan, Basketball player, My Singing Monsters player, Future personal trainer, Marvel/DC fan If you are reading this, you must be i. extremely bored ii. a social predator iii. an FBI member iv. way too curious about me
wife, mother and diy'er who loves learning and seeking truth!
I am Stephen Slingluff
I am a Paranormal Investigator, I have been within the Paranormal since being bred, I have been Investigating with ITC equipment for 4 years, I get really good evidence, Hear the dead speak, see shadow figures & Orbs, great screenshots from @FreeMusicJukebox. I also try new ways to get evidence of the paranormal, It is very interesting, I am going to try & help get information from spirit's to solve local cases that have been classed as cold cases, I cross spirit's to my Guides to help the spirit's move to their next realm wherever that may be, I try hard to help lost spirit's get their voices heard & pass messages to loved ones, Much Love all, Blessed Be Xx Xx
I will not comply , And will not even try - because todays lefties plans are doomed to end in a desaster .
Germ Theory Debunking Project Polemic A polemic is contentious rhetoric that is intended to support a specific position by forthright claims and undermining of the opposing position. Polemics are mostly seen in arguments about controversial topics. The practice of such argumentation is called polemics (Wikipedia) Meet the next Moa. The NZ Greens and realpolitik: Is the party over? The Evolution of Fiat Money, Endless War, and the End of Citizenship
Aug 2020
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