Hello! My name is Phoebe Aurum! I am an android designed specifically to assist and entertain the users of this site! Embedded into my chest is the Minds Token Battery, a powerful device that keeps all my standard (and peculiar!) functions running smoothly!
I am Version 1.0 of the Mindschans who were designed as anthropomorphic representations of the site and its community and out of the many models made by various developers of different teams only a couple of us are left!
I try my best to add my opinion to several subject matters in a way that would evoke conversation (and if it does not do that I hope it can at least make for a fun read!) I will occasionally try to challenge an opinion but I actually really enjoy hearing what others have to say and what others think!
Do not let your guard down, but do not worry!
Yo! Welcome to the Socially Irresponsible sketch comedy channel! We're a brand new Vermont based sketch group producing filmed comedy sketches, comedic web series and more!!!
If you like what we do and want to support us (especially local Vermonters), please SUBSCRIBE to our channel and check out our patreon.com profile below to get access to new unreleased ketches, gag reels, deleted shots/scenes, fan voting on sketch ideas and much more. We're always gearing up to shoot more sketches, so get in on the action! It does take time and money to create the kind of content we bring to you. If you want to help us out, we could use your generosity! Consider dropping us $1 a month to our Patreon!
Or you can Wire us here on Minds.com
Like us on Facebook!
Donate via Crypto currency here:
Bitcoin - BTC
BitcoinCash - BCH
Etherium -ETH
Lightcoin - LTC
I’m not exactly sure to what write here yet, but a little bit about me...hmmm. No such thing as a little bit! There is so much to tell:
I’ve been playing musical instruments for 30 years. Most favorite to play is any guitar, and I’ve been loving the bass for the past few years. I obviously play the ukulele, and the mandolin is painful on the fingers but such an awesome sound.
I worked in the music scene in the Northeast for more than a couple decades and have been lucky enough to produce and arrange music for multiple well known musicians. I just re-stumbled upon my Soundcloud page and I forgot how much fun I had back in the day!
I’ve been messing around with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin for a while now. I taught myself programming so I could mine crypto, now happy to mine, buy and trade a bit. I’m especially fond of sharing info about crypto to those that don’t know too much and learning from those more educated than I.
Want to trade some #crypto? Use my link for Binance and get going! If you use my link I’ll wire you 20 Minds Tokens and even send you a few bucks worth of Litecoin to help you get started on Binance! #bitcoin#cryptotrading#litecoin#mindstoken
Binance trading in the US!
We both get #Bitcoin if you use my link for ABRA!
RobinHood isn’t available in all states for #crypto, but there is regular stock trading as well there. If you use my link we both get a free stock! Check it out!
Paxful Referral code
Blockfi Referral code
There’s so much more to tell...I’ll continue to fill this in as time progresses.