VR Reveiws

Welcome to VR Reviews! Here you will find a variety of different reviews on everything VR! Game reviews, update reviews, and even VR accessory reviews! If you’re looking to learn more about the constantly changing and evolving world of VR, you’ve come to the right place. I also post beat saber videos time to time, as it is my favorite game. : #beatsaber #VR #VirtualReality #Reviews #Gaming
IT professional & trainer, game enthusiast and proud anti SJW shit poster. BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bogdanpuiu/ YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/c/BogdanPuiu88 Gab - https://gab.ai/bogga88 Twitter - https://twitter.com/bogga88 If you like my content you can offer your support by donating on Patreon, MakerSupport, PayPal or via cryptocurrency: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bogga88 PayPal: [email protected] Bitcoin address - 34tFLHF9ptZnWP8jbcibqn5cz9hgVucF8s Litecoin address - LXFwqZ7hWTNVkTcV771P5p6LWz8H5Mftoh Dogecoin address - DQrNXsQe6GVhQXmLoJbD2eNFBx9STiz9SC
Real World Realist and accomplished sarcastic smartass.
Christian, Independent Journalist, Free Spirit, Free Thinker - Check me out on Gab at http://Gab.com/MrKennedy or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BrendenEKennedy
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Mar 2019
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