
I’ll probably annoy you. Non-aggression principle.
location_onyour head
Most of what I post is of my own creation. I rarely select the particular medium of expression until that idea has already sprung from my transcendent Mind. Local issues of sustainability are very important to me, because I live in the same Mississippi River region that my first colonist ancestors settled over 300 years ago. Politicians, especially those from the so-called 'legal' profession, deserve the brunt of my acerbic wit, and so will be often hit, with fresh and fetid bags of rhetorical SHIT! I am the Man that you Dream in your Meme! I am UAnon.
This page is dedicated to Western Culture in the age of multiculturalism. Peter Hitchens, Mark Steyn and Stefan Molyneux are the main inspiration for this page. Other notable mentions are Andrew Bolt, Lauren Southern, Mark Dice, Gavin Mcinnes, Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Paul Joseph Watts, On theoffensive, Independentman, Blackpigeonspeaks.
"Gloria fortis miles", "Vivere est militare". A libertarian whom would encourage discussion and debate on posts. "(P.s My profile picture does not represent the ideology of libertarianism that i espoused) Quick and spread the word about kek as fast as possible to suffocate the normies to death! XD
Political and Social Commentary
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell
your head
Dec 2016
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