
How much we pay for free-speech ?
The formula of all quant universes and its open source program that shows a slice of the real cosmos we live on are on Earth already in 2 variants, from the great fractal towards the unified laws of physics and the map of the multiverse, and, from the simplest abstract math rules forming the multigraph upon which our physics and the cosmic multiverse is one of the manifests of emergent 3 dimensionality. The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable! I am a collection of replaceable human (mi & mi friends) and technological (mi pici, the internetz, dis site) components, collaborating to provide the substrate for the evolution of #BAUniC and #FractalUniverseRevolution. Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC is a collaborative/competitive/challenging friendly Earth meant to grow our knowledge about the fractal base of reality, augmenting our imagination, evolving language to better express ideas and concepts. Any donation will be used to promote #BAUniC and #FractalUniverseRevolution in the same obsessive way it was always done, or better, as I grow into this skin.
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I grew up on a small family farm, went to college to get my Bachelor's in Computer Science, only to end up driving an 18-wheeled vehicle for a living. That gives me an interesting perspective on everyday life. I am not sure why I feel the need to share that perspective with everyone, but here I am on Minds.
Hello ! Nice To Meet You All . Have a good time on Minds. I am trying to grow up my Channel. Do not forget comments subs like and wire .😊😊😊 Thanks
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~~ So much Beauty ~~ ~~~ So little time. ~~~ Content best viewed on my Pro Page ============================ Beautiful women. Some nude some not. I try and get all the high-resolution pics for your viewing pleasure. I also enjoy finding more pictures of those beautiful women where we only have one picture. A little sleuthing and most times I come back with a gallery page of great pictures. #NSFW Here are the Groups I have created... Blondes ~ Beautiful ~ Erotic Brunettes ~ Beautiful ~ Erotic Gingers ~ Beautiful ~ Erotic B&W Sexy Erotica #women #beauty #nude #erotic
Dec 2021
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