
BLAB REFUGEE FUCK TORBA 14/88 ๐Ÿธ/ Proud White female Nationalist BLOOD & SOIL HAIL VICTORY. HOMESTEADER, FREEDOM OF SPEECH HATE SPEECH IS FREE SPEECH, Just say โ€˜noโ€™ to pharmakeia give me liberty or give me deathโ€ฆ.should have a โ€œSHALL NOT BE INFRINGEDโ€ TATTOO ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿคฌ
We're going on Safari to capture a glimpse of some of the most dangerous animals on the planet. ... You can take the wildlife out of Africa, but... #DangerousAfricanWildlife...
This is Nr. 1 meme group for bigoted humor on minds since 2021. Admins: @edzhus @greenpatriot @Tay_Tweets_ReBorn @admontblanc and few more secret ones. We also have telegram group and telegram chat if you want to get in touch Similar group of friendlies: ๐•พ๐–๐–Ž๐–™๐–‘๐–”๐–—๐–‰๐–˜ ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–‡๐–”๐–—๐–“ #nsfw #meme #humor #bigot #racist #antisemitism #misogyny #sexism #homophobia #transphobia #islamophobia #nigger #kike #spic #chink #gook #hitlerdidnothingwrong #pajeet #shitskin #faggot #tranny #arbeitmachtfrei
To join this group one must be dedicated to saying kike every day accompanied by a picture of Dolf Lundgren. ALL POSTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PICTURE OF DOLF LUNDGREN OR WILL BE REMOVED!
Hello & Welcome To the Nazi Night Club & Freedom Solutions Crew After Hours Hangout. This is Where You Can Share All Music New and Old That you would like to be played In The Nazi Night Club. If You Have Any links you would like featured in The Freedom Solutions 101 Sunday services? You can share them Here Too. The Unwritten Rules are In Full Effect. Sieg Heil
Shitpost and overload all you fucking want, BUT YOU SHALL NAME IT
Who are you going to believe, me or your own two eyes??? โ€œFor NOTHING is SECRET that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.โ€ ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 8:17) "We REMAIN jews WHEREVER we reside!" ~ Stephen Wise, rabbi and Zionist leader "There are NO English, French, German or American jews, but ONLY jews living in England, France, Germany or America!" ~ Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, the guiding spirit behind the World Zionist Organization All about Zionism, War CRIMINAL isra'HELL and Ashkenazi ==>> FAKE Jews. (((They))) are ALL the SAME ==>> PROVOCATEURS in Peacetime, SABOTEURS in Wartime, and SUBVERSIVES ALL the time!!! Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middlingโ€ฆ makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definitionโ€™s blurred. Do you still have doubts WHO were the NAZIs in Germany in 1930 - 1945 ... the REAL NAZIs??? Or WHO were the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1915-1920s!!! End US complicity in the human rights violations endemic to Israeli military occupation #soros #rothschilds #khazarianmafia #israel #jews #ashkenazi
Everyone's favourite pro-conservative group is back!!!
The great migration has begun. The month of March brings our legion to a new platform. Join us on a place we own completely.
Frog posting and frens Please don't Fedpost. Non-frens stay away!
Welcome to National Socialists We are a group based on "Historical Revisionism". Our goal is to present and show the real NSDAP as it really truly was. The Hollywood version is a lie and everything we learned in school is a lie. Even our current media is a lie. So if you are browsing through this group, join us and you'll see that what we present here is very different from what you will see out there in other social networks. Why? We show you the real truth! Not propaganda and lies. There are only 3 simple rules here. 1) No Fedposting. 2) No infighting or better yet provoking it. 3) No insulting the Fuhrer and/or degrading him in any way. This includes insulting or degrading the Swastika or anything National Socialist related. I am your only admin here. Feel free to tag me if you have any questions. @nswoodchuckss There is also a group in Gab Chat but you need to use a Chrome-type browser to access it.
Feb 2024
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