“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” (1931, Cosmic Religion and Other Opinions and Aphorisms, Einstein)
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human supremacist (unless the emergence of a space-adapted race of humans should be confirmed, in which case - sieg zeon!)
I like memes without words.
Pizza is literally a perfect food capable of satisfying all diet requirements and meal types.
❤ 🍍+🍕
if you still have the lightbulb as your profile image, I am less likely to subscribe.
I'm also wary of people who subscribe to me without ever having even 👎 a post of mine
Hated that old shithole. I just want to be able to follow things I enjoy. Hoping in vain the fumoposters followed us here. Official Unofficial Ambassador for Tomboy Thursday.
Any art or fumos I post aint mine.
Cats, Dead White Males, and occasional cups of tea. Passionate lover of history. Chionophile. Traditional elitist. Preventing the collapse of Western Civilization.