
cool and calm
A pretty girl living her best life❤. Always love making new friends😊. Subscribe to my channel😎 #minds #art #crypto #myphoto new York America
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argg we are not the lights dancing on the wall not the prism that divides and distorts us not the apature that produces this matrix WE ARE THE LIGHT i wish someone would tell me that.... when the polish woman was unique.. "i think you are james" struck me.... knowing it is all "A Game" i am uncertain... NOT fifty of five hundred faces and musicians talking to "those who chose to hear" Profound Deja Vu shit is killing me.. is wonderful. .... IS IT REAL. ?What happened in that forest...> the screams in our minds.... grandma's childhood picture... "gone away" played so many times... so many little birds Classmate IS It Really you? i have said,,,EITHER WAY, we are still friends.. Best friend i have ever had ...only you know whether that is SAD or Special... is it you,,,,
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Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
#Authorised Fashion anything memes.
I like to live stream PC and Android games. And i am also a PC Repair Technician and a Linux Enthusiast. 👍🍟🍔🍵.
Original Content Creator You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey whose boundaries are that of imagination. If you wrote a comment and I didn't reply, please tag me (again) @istruththelight and make sure you did not reply to your own comment. I will try to answer every comment and reply to it! But I might not do, if it is just a generic comment you leave on other posts too, or trolling ;) You can comment in every language, I will use a translator and reply in your language. Check out #myphoto : Watch my video content on Odyssee:$/invite/@exittoeden:7 Listen to my audio content on Soundcloud: Follow me on Hive : #nogov #humansarefree
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