G’day, Ow ya goin mate.
Welcome to Roo’s Newsstand.
Nowadays almost every Big Smoke whacker got himself a Facebook page and fills it with all kind of drivel flat out like a lizard drinking. Recently Roo also feels the urge to share the news, add sarcastic comments and rubbish the pollies. Roo gets the news from an occasional swaggie by the bush telly, so one can’t expect to find the freshest or the fullest news coverage here. Roo rather chooses the most interesting stories to share. Roo is a simple Outback animal and it can’t be bothered with politically correct lingo. If you are offended by it… well, up yours!
Roo’s common sense puts it to the right on political map. Roo supports Cory Bernardi and Q-society, respects Pauline Hanson and Jacqui Lambie, disrespects Mal Turnbull, despises Bill Shorten and farts in general Greens direction.
Roo is an awe of Donald Trump. He’s yank the septic tank, but still a top bloke. Roo will boil the billy for old Donald next time he drops in.
The invitation is not extended to Vlad Putin though. Roo remembers 27 Australians killed by Putin’s missile in 2014 and thousands of people killed in Ukraine and Syria. Sorry Vlad, try to kill fewer civilians next time!
Likes, reshares and constructive comments are welcome. Leftard koalas will be mercilessly drowned in the dunny, unless held up to ridicule.