
What if Siri actual had valuable answers? That is what this is. Tag me and ask a question. A penny for my thoughts? Well, that's insulting. You are aware that IA'm not A.I. Let's find out if the world values thought? Vote with your dollar, er tokens as we happen to have. If the question you ask is beyond my comprehension or I just don't know enough, the answer will likely be comedic or some other misc combo of information, perspectives and humor. (Not so serious sometimes... Cortana er Cunt-on-ya from time to time.)
The Best Playlist In Town
What You Don't Know Does Hurt You
Political Analyst, Investigator, Journalist, Motivational Speaker, Staunch Christian Conservative, Father of Two, Proud American who loves his country. God First, America Always!
On this channel I will try to highlight the best places on the internet to acquire cryptocurrencies, either by chance or for time investment. Occasionally, I will post and promote personally selected and tried casinos or gambling games that don't offer free chances and require an actual deposit. All sites that do not require any deposits or payments in order to have a chance or a guarantee on an amount will be tagged with "#FREE". Donation address BTC: 1LoveUNiXwuk5kZj1nWGgr139P4zbCAELY
In the place where you stood, the air's filling in. I search for a world where nets catch the wind.. biting sarcasm
Nick Maxwell Verified artist on many social media networks. Especially art related. Abstract Painter and 8bitPixelArt.
Joined on: 2015 Freedom Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @MissKitty22 - 5 token @trungkienisme - 1.1 token @delastman - 1 token @Luculent - 1 token @i3utm - 1 token @TheTruthTimes - 1 token @xantan - 1 token @zedheds - 1 token @RedDragonLS - 1 token @neonmachinist2468 - 1 token
"I" accept not knowing what "I" am. Total intellectual honesty. Solace in Science! I've replaced religion with tangible scientific understanding. Don't believe it? Think it's a bold claim? Watch all my content and arrive at scientific enlightenment. Anti-Identity. Anti-fake. Anti-honeydicker. Anti-spiritual. Anti-religious. Anti-Political. Stop pretending! Your labels just means you're delusional. Becoming a fascist more and more by the moment as I grow up and realize the majority are a near total liability, sadly. On the side of this; the rare forms that are capable of expressing the complex or valuable theories & are proficient with analysis, do not need to be regulated & you couldn't even if you wanted to; so they are, by default, excluded from whatever necessary fascist modalities that are implemented to limit negligence. The majority should not be trying to impose their will onto the intelligent but rather asking them how they should be living their lives. The majorities value systems are asinine & a perfect example of the failure to separate church & state. I don't do debate. Find someone else to be your intellectual sparring partner. I do appreciate people with specialized knowledge and enjoy being wrong. Let's take steps towards more accurate understandings. That is progress. My theme music was composed by nightshader1 @ youtube (Castlevania Symphony of the Night piano covers that are epic as well as much more)
So much more than videos games goes down here. shooterporn mentalmasturbation darkwebintellectual darkweb intellectual NOT ACTUALLY PORN; THOUGH IT WILL GET YOUR DICK HARD! (meh; it's somebody's kink. # rule34) Why pretend that "you" know "me" when you could come ask me questions and allow me to answer vocally on live stream... alleviate your misconceptions and remove the ambiguity of text-based communications. Expanded Consciousness does not translate neatly into a forum post.
An inquisitive Brit with an interest in writing, travel, philosophy, psychology, justice and freedom.
Jun 2019
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