An adventurer, endless explorer, amateur jewelry designer that you can follow on instagram @naduriaks, lover of all things food and all types of food (East Indian, Ukranian, Asian, etc.), and desiring a partner in life.
WeAreChange is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide.
2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Yoga. Plant-based. Inquiries: (Views do not reflect position of DoD)
I believe in truth,facts and evidence over emotional outrage. I am vary much libertarian politically speaking and believe in the non aggression principles. I do not believe in censorship but I do believe in personal responsibility and the right to choose for yourselves what you want in life. My biggest pet peeve is people not being able to shows levels of reasoning or logic that is meant to critically think for themselves. I make mistakes but at least I correct them and acknowledge them .
The Canadian Frost is my trademark. I do write random blogs and once in a while will make movies.
Also feel free to follow me on Gab, flote,vero and wix.
If you want to do it its up to you but this is not my fulltime job so would rather appreciate the boost in users rather than donations. I don't do this for money but it would be appreciated.
Get Some Vitamin D!!!
~Proud Father
~Truth Pursuer
~Libertarian/Liberal Thinking
~Fiscally Conservative Spending
~Agnostic Soul in Pursuit of Valhalla
~Red-Blooded Man
~Music Is The Spice Of Life
~MeMe Magic Baby!!!
~Video Games/Tech, Dirt Bikes & Interesting Things
~History Student, Lover Of Culture
~Appreciating Tattoos, Beauty & other Artforms
~Canadian Veteran (CHIMO!)
~Please No Drama or Hate, Go Spam Elsewhere
~Hopefully Still Growing to Somewhere Better
We can only make things better together, I've began to do my part.
For those that inspire me, thank you.
If I I can inspire, it is my honor.
Music, Bass, DnB, Edm, Alt Rock, Classic Hip Hop and Smooth Tropical House
Tattoos and Tattoed Beautiful People