Signy Hale

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung
Carnivore thought criminal
Time to wake up, goys!
Heathen Hearth explores foodways inspired by the historic and ethnographic imagination.
Politically retired, God minded. 🙏 Most censored Christian mother in America. Fake news target and stalking survivor. Christ loves you and so do I ❤️ "He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end. He never stops desiring what he already knows." –St. Gregory of Nissa
It's true, productivity is up and the economy is booming! Welcome to the Golden Age of Propaganda! (Disclaimer: none of the pictures on this channel were made by us. Also, feel free to understand that most of the posts are humor, thank you!)
The existence of our people is not negotiable.
Author of The Way of Men
This channel has been created to encourage people to support Patrick Little.
Only we can be us. 
Medically retired NCO, 30 years Army and Army National Guard. American Heathen, I follow the old ways of my Germanic and Celtic/Gaelic ancestors but live in the here and now. Classical Liberal, not the welfare statist type you see today. Classical Republican. In the manner of Cincinnatus, Cicero, and Cato the Younger. Unapologetic Citizen of the American Republic and defender of the Constitution. Misanthrope. Curmudgeon.
Oct 2018
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