
This channel is dedicated to understanding the agenda perpetrated on the unsuspecting masses; in all of its various forms, both perceptible and imperceptible. Consider supporting me on Patreon -
Ta inget test! Testerna visar felaktigt positivt och används mot folket för att införa restriktioner och ta ifrån oss våra demokratiska fri- och rättigheter! Gå inte i den fällan! Var solidarisk med ditt folk! Munskydd hjälper inte. De skadar och är en del i planen för att tysta oss! Gå inte på det! #Covid1984 #Scamdemic #UnMask #MasksKill #LockdownsKill
An open group for the minds community. A place for you and your friends.
*** WE WELCOME EVERYONE FROM THE HEAVILY CENSORED "DIED SUDDENLY NEWS" GROUPS ON MAIN STREAM SOCIAL MEDIA. MAY THIS MINDS GROUP BE USED BY YOU AS A SAFE HAVEN. A play on words parody of Doctors Without Borders, this group is for posting videos from doctors, microbiologists, first responders and other qualified main stream medical folks, who are being censored by the main stream media and main stream social media, for speaking the truth about COVID-19. Related topics also welcomed. Off-topic posts are NOT welcomed. If you want to duplicate this group on other platforms, no permission needed. Use the images, do as you wish. This group is for: -Medical / Science experts posting their own content -People sharing censored content from medical / science experts -Examples of bureaucratic interference within medicine -Main stream media hysteria endangering public safety -Anything closely related to the before mentioned #covid #scamdemic #tyranny #agenda21 #genocide
ALL things #Science and #Technology #Discussion #Infosharing #Research #Investigation Group Rules: Members are free to share a maximum of 3 "Science and technology" related posts per day Spammers will be dealt with accordingly
Wuhan Virus / Covid-19 related information - now expanded to include the Monkeypox and whatever else they will try to bring on a global dictatorship via health scares #wuhanvirus #covid19 #covid1984 #covidhoax #fascism
#History is a set of LIES agreed upon. Napoleon Bonaparte 'History is written by the WINNERS of WARS.' #Anonymous
This group is primarily for citizens and businesses of Jackson County Oregon (as well as citizens and businesses across our great nation) who are concerned about the extended lockdowns and want to do something about it. We are concerned for our communities and the jobs, businesses, schools, healthcare, and wellbeing of those hurt by these lockdowns. We are also concerned about our freedoms and the rule of law. We are a transpartisan (centrist) group focused on purposeful action to preserve our freedoms during these lockdowns and quarantines. Actions will include a concerted grassroots effort to alert officials of our concerns through various peaceful methods including letter writing, calling, legal action, civil disobedience, and peaceful protest. We will also reopen our businesses as responsible self-governing adults. We believe the Governor has overstepped her bounds placed by the Oregon Constitution which limits her emergency powers. We also believe in the rule of law, rather than the rule of a Government acting above the law and abusing their powers. This group is inspired by the correspondence of the Founding Fathers of the United States, the Articles of Confederation, the framers of the Constitution and the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Without the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, the Anti Federalist Papers, Common Sense, the Silence Dogood Letters, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution never would have been ratified; and so, in order to declare our independence from the corrupt legislators and the corrupt governor in Salem, we intend to engage in discourse to plan, strategize and reclaim our natural rights as described and secured in the Constitutions of the State of Oregon and the United States of America. Let it also be known that this group stands in alliance with all fellow states who want the same thing. E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one). Original Group on Facebook:
All issues related to the infamous Marxist UN Agenda 21/30 and the WEF Great Reset: The WEF and the UN signed a partnership agreement to promote the Agenda 2030 together:
Of, or relating to #magic, #astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of #secret or #supernatural #powers or #agencies. Hidden #knowledge of the #paranormal vs. the measurable @TheShadow #TheShadow
Frog posting and frens Please don't Fedpost. Non-frens stay away!
Recommended Frontline Doctor, Syed Haider protocols for Covid healing, prevention, and vaccine injury. Website: Phone: USA +1 (281)-393-8266 Thank you contributors for being respectful and only posting Covid-19 related research articles in this group. Reminding your own post helps to distribute the word among your network so please do. Dispelling the Coronavirus lies of the Main Street Media, Globalist Health Organizations, governments, pharmaceutical industry, politicians and others. Feel free to share your scientific.research articles and alt-media information exposing the lies that shut down the world.
Mar 2021
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