
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ EUSSR/ EURASIA SVAR PEDOVORE "EL-ITES"... "The eyes are useless when the mind is blind to the deep dark occult" [DS] ARKITE/ SINTI cabal BELGAE/ Irish Fir Bolg Oguz Turk ASSASSIN NWO = fascism & occultism by genetically-defective Pedovores re vCJDr & MC1R markers Luciferian Setian [Saturnian] Atonist "unrighteous" OGUZ TURK Ağaçeri tribe [Bayāt/ Kayı] aka Vampiric Egyptian Aset Ka sect 💣 US PRESIDENT TRUMP 'ET AL', THE PATRIOTS, "RIGHTEOUS INITIATES OF LIGHT FOR LAW AND ORDER” AND WIDER HUMANITY vs Deep State [DS] Siberian "SAR-ONGUR"/ Alarodian BULGAR HUN/ KHAZARIAN SHAMANIC PHALO-SOLARIST/ PEDOVORE GYPSY MAFIA CONSORTIUM AND WIDER CORPORATIONS" [KM] aka “Unrighteous Initiates of Luciferian/ Satanic Masonic Light Shrouded in Darkness for Synarchy [rule by secret society]” … the latter party are now utterly-desperate for THEIR repeat of despotic, barbarian Old Babylon aka “Satanic Aeon” or “Aeon of Ma’at” In my experience so far, no one anywhere on Deep State [DS] KM-invented/ -funded/ -controlled social media has ever revealed the UNADULTERATED TRUTH about the migration, infiltration and usurpation of Western society by the ancient Eastern SIBERIAN "SAR-ONGUR" [death/ skull/ cannibal cult] aka the BULGAR HUN ALARODIAN GYPSY HORDES so read it for yourself: [DS] KM "SAR-ONGUR" Bulgar Hun "ONOGURIA" aka KM EUSSR EU UE This is the connection to the "SAR-ONGUR" CCP UYGHUR GYPSY MONGOLIANS RUNNING [DS] KM CHINA [who have enslaved the Han Chinese] American Gypsies re GYPSY/ GIPSY = “CINGARI" (Romany/ Romanian) = "ZINGARI" (Italian) = "SINGARI" סינגאַרי (Ashkenazi Gypsy Yiddish)... and KING "ZINDL" a gypsy king in Europe from Egypt (1438) 1899 Gypsy folk-tales by Groome, Francis Hindes, 1851-1902 “Gypsies of Syria and Palestine ‘vend charms, philtres, poisons [pharmakeia], and drugs [pharmakeon] of vaunted efficacy” The Preface to Hindes’ novel above mentions Dr Hyde Clarke and a number of authorities on the subject gypsy migrations, many of whom were murdered/ died suddenly [along with Hindes] prior to 1902, conveniently before WWI. Dr Clarke wrote his 1877 masterpiece on the global KHETA GYPSY connection - leading to the KM US Caravans today from Central and South America paid for by KM gypsy George Soros, since proven by genetic haploid Q-M242. 1877 The Khita and Khita-Peruvian Epoch: Khita, Hamath, [Assyrian] Hittite [Shasu/ Shasu-Hebrew/ Yahu/ Indian Sakya/ Rus’ Kiven Tribe gypsy], Canaanite, Etruscan, Peruvian, Mexican etc... by Hyde Clarke re Kheta = Khita = Khitai = Assyrian Hittite Q-M242 ONE WORD, “PAZORRHUS” [usury], IRREFUTABLY PROVES WHO THE REAL “MONEY LENDERS” WERE IN ANCIENT TIMES IN SCOTLAND AND ELSEWHERE AND THE REAL REASON WHY ROMAN EMPEROR HADRIAN DESTROYED OLD JERUSALEM aka LETHA/ LEITH/ EDINBURGH, AND PERHAPS WHY TRUMP ‘ET AL’ APPEAR PRO-ORTHODOX JUDAISM ISRAEL (Jerusalem), AND NOT [DS] ASHKENAZI GYPSY ISRAEL (Tel Aviv) AND THE “GYPSY GAZA STRIP” ETC. 1948 Britain, Key to World History by WC Beaumont "MINDS" IS HANDS DOWN MY FAVOURITE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM WHERE FREE SPEECH IS VIRTUALLY UNFETTERED, THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE CASH/ DOSH WITH THEIR CITIZEN JOURNALIST OR OTHER CENTRES OF INTEREST ACCOUNTS AND/ OR POSTS CAN AND DO SO AND PEOPLE ARE GENERALLY KIND FOLK JUST TRYING TO SHARE INFORMATION OF INTEREST AND TO SURVIVE LIKE THE REST OF US IN THIS VILE AND EVIL WORLD. ALSO, REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM (GAB AI, PARLER, MINDS ETC) PURPORTS, YOU WILL LIKELY NEVER SEE TRUMP ‘ET AL’ ON ANY OF THESE PLATFORMS, THUS ANY THAT DO ARE LIKELY WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THE HORDES OF [DS] KM GYPSY TROLLS SHILLS PUPPETS AGENTURS COINTEL As for GAB AI's Andrew Torba. I have nothing unkind to say about him nor the service, as he appears to be a pleasant gentleman however it is worth noting “Torba” = ancient Maltese Masonry = SMOM = Luciferian/ Satanic Masonic Vatican Gypsy Army in Rome, where the masses of visiting tourists look through a keyhole at a gadget of mirrors reflecting the image of St Peter’s Cathedral centred-perfectly, moreover directly across the street from the Egyptian embassy [don’t believe it? look it up]. Regardless, I am well aware that even SMOM members today are fed up with the Luciferian/ Satanic FUDOSI OTO/ IoT Masonic puppetdoms and there are many ready to revolt. 8/2/21 Update: Torba recently created a bot that obtained all of Trump's Twatter tweets and duplicated these on GAB.AI... creating a signed/ official (blue tick). Since Trump
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