
Just a gamer/anime fan also like computers and loli/tits I'm an introvert and an artist/18+ btw if you screenshot this you lost the argument. FC:0193-4929-8790 pc:sleepyblanc
dumb autistic denying femboy
I like hobbies and hentai
Hi! I'm just here to make friends and talk about anime and video games. I hope we can get along!
21 year old autist that likes Blue Moon and Dos Equis @Sparkpoodle1 on twitter this site is way better Can't find a header
Just a horny fellow , o yeah im not only a loli lover , i like milfs , shotas , traps and some more~
I finally got what I wished for
The premiere enthusiast gaming site and community for niche and unique games across the globe.
Teh guy who analysis the real issue. Also tired of salty attitude.
Just a guy who makes stupid dumb videos on YouTube. Migrated just to be safe. Locked for being a shota, striked for sharing memes, an e-celeb apparently. DM is open for free PC building tips and anything else. @6t76t ara ara me every night.
Nov 2020
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