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Avid music listener📼 | Cats & Dogs 🐈🐕 | flowers🌼 | rice field 🌾 | scenery 🌅 | nostalgia | Filipina 🇵🇭 “BE WHO YOU ARE & STAY AWESOME 😎” started: October 8, 2019
making videos and taking pictures ,started on film and still getting use to digital photograph.
I think, therefore I am!
Católico, Español y Agricultor.
I've concluded that I am a MAGA Libertarian (did I coin a phrase?). I will never be a Republican or Democrat. The Libertarian Party is psycho-bitch. Do with that what you will. I will probably offend you at some point, no matter how hard I try not to. I'll not lie and do my best to combat ignorance with humor. I am one of the grandfathers of the BBS age. i was a hobbyist ISP running 72 TCP/IP channels and 8 dialup lines on Worldgroup in the 90s. My handle was Surfman on Inner Circle 0 to 3 day warez. PiL My wife and I love our children and animals. We are active guardians trying to save as many critters as possible. That's me in a nutshell.
Run here to talk crowdfunding, crypto, defi, and startups
Just a guy bitching about his dog, the NCAA & events. "Dogs and beer are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Revolutionary, ex public defender, and current leader of the free world (the position was abandoned and left vacant. I assumed it.) Any true blue red blooded Americans left in this country? We've come full circle in America, It's time for revolution. FYI: I don't support Trump/republicans/fascists or Biden/democrats/communists. I only support America, that is: the country, the constitution, my fellow citizens, and Liberty itself. When you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, I'll be there waiting to guide you down the yellow brick road to freedom. 😎👍🏽
I am an old retired man. I am a believer in Jesus Christ as my savior. I am currently a little over a year into a 3 year Bible reading and study program in which I am reading the entire Bible in chronological order along with all the known lost books, the Apocrypha, Josephus, and daily devotionals. I am a student of history, a gardener, an aquarium hobbyist, interested in aquaponics, and more. I am a follower of Donald Trump. I believe in American sovereignty and putting our Nation first. I like to try my hand at poetry. I like to write. I have a strong distaste for FaceBook and Twitter. I can not condone their censorship. I believe humans should be individuals and not ants or bees in a hive. I am not a TV brainwashed automaton. If you love the freedom to think for yourselves, to express your thoughts, and detest censorship perhaps we are much alike even if we are different.
Mar 2023
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