
poetry and music and more - sometimes :)
the poetry core of Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: the minds Formula 1 group:
Are you a HomeSteader? Do you use Decentral technologies as part of your modern day survival strategy in this ever growing concrete jungle? Tell us about it! This group is for Earth People who are dedicated toward using modern technology to make life a little better for us all. If you grow mushrooms, micro greens, fruits and or veggies of any sort, if you're an animal husbander, a brewer, a web3 enthusiast, a tinkerer (especially electronics & programming), a lover of good clean water, pure air, and well cared for earth if you compost if you spend your off time dancing around the fire and chanting mantras if your time on earth is precious and you believe a life centered around a blessed, healthy, well-connected home is the way of the future ... plug in your favorite micro controller with the newest relevant algos we share here and post details about your system as it evolves tag with #growbetter2gether #decentsmarthomes Feel free to show all the low tech stuff too! i.e., just pictures and methods your various processes, croppings, whatever! In this way, decentralized smart homes on an open source platform will evolve into a library of home l-i-v-i-n right before our very Minds! and right in our homes! If you're interested in the inner workings, let's start hashin' out this algorithm 2gether and make the world's homes Decent and Smart today!! -Remember to check back in regularly to see what great innovations and Frankensteins the group brings to the table! -Onboard as many Earth People as possible. Even better than having a storage yourself, is having a neighbor with a strong plentiful store themselves ;) Wait until you see all the different foods (and other ways to collect energy) you didn't even know existed!
Oct 2019
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