
I'm interested in cooking, space, gaming, gardening, history, interesting political discourse, and more. I'm looking forward to checking out Minds and everything it has going for it!
Covering The Madness
Home for Youtuber & Fan Of All Things Gaming The Quartering
Bringing you news you won’t see anywhere else. All videos belong to their respective owners. 📧 [email protected].
Absurdity is freedom of thought. Humor helps us all to meet in the middle. I am not a cat. Lvl. 1 Jester, random commentor, appreciator of tech, memes, and art. Subscribe if you need a laugh and have low comedic standards. I'm also procrastinating on starting a cult.
2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Yoga. Plant-based. Inquiries: (Views do not reflect position of DoD)
Hi. I have a lot of opinions about stuff.
Some Are Defiant • Most Are Hypocrites Twitter: @DefiantLs
Before I go any further, I want to get one thing straight.... Sometimes I'll think of something that is really hilarious, or I might think of a funny nickname for you, or something to that effect... I will more than likely not think that it's offensive, but you might think so... Let me say this... If EVER I say something that may be funny to me, but offensive or demeaning to you, TELL ME RIGHT AWAY! If there is one thing that I get extremely pissed about, it the fact that some people will hold their feelings back, causing them to get really angry and start to avoid you; all the while, you have no idea what's going on... Just imagine the roles being reversed.... If YOU, not your mom, not your boyfriend/girlfriend, not another secondary source, YOU and ONLY YOU say it to me **RIGHT AWAY**, more than likely I'll stop or work out a way to prevent it from happening again... Otherwise, it's your loss... Moving on, I'm not your typical black guy... Needless to say I'm more of your typical white guy... Even though I don't care about race, you should know that I don't fit into the black stereotype.... If you like it, fine... If not, I DARE YOU TO CHANGE ME... I'll warn you now you will fail... If you want to know more about NEVER be afraid to contact me...
Aug 2021
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