
My first posts will be a story I put together from a series of dreams I've had since childhood. I did not have these dreams in order, the first chapter was dreamed when I was an adult. It explained the origin of the story and enabled me to more accurately understand the rest of them and how they are linked. Eventually I hope to find an artist and then make it into a graphic novel.
50 years as a human. 21 years hands-on humans in medicine. 11 years dreaming of new paradigms that are honest, loving, effective, compassionate and fair. 3 years dreaming of artistic ways to inspire. The only question that I ask myself every day- " How can I help and/or inspire as many people as possible?" I want to leave this life with nothing on the table left to give.
Follow back policy. 🤠 Sharing hope and positivity. NA, recovery, spirituality, personal growth, 12 steps, law of one, higher power, universe of abundance. ❤️ Membership tiers available for support. 🙏🏻 Valued supporters............................................................... ............. @vindog @chongcong54 @arey105 @uponwingsofthewind @lookowt
an art teacher preparing to become a new mother and a happy woman with her drawings
Be good to yourself. Per aspera ad astra! I subscribe to anyone that subscribes to me.
Hehe Squid memes go brrrrrrrrr
I am an Army veteran and cybersecurity professional. I am freethinker and I am a Live and let live kind of person. I have a humble homestead east of Colorado Springs where I grow my own food. I am interested in video games, technology, renewable energy, politics, crypto, and many other topics. I post daily news as well as some minds+ content. I also have a membership where I upload videos and pictures of my homestead life and pictures of the beautiful Colorado views. Please consider subscribing or becoming a member.
Software engineer who loves privacy and free-speech! Fan of Linux, PC gaming, & disc golf. Learn how to put a tinfoil hat on your digital self at
A musician,fashion designer,a creative vendor,
Feb 2021
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