
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
In December Of 1945, A 5th Holy Gospel Was Discovered To The World, After Long Since Being Buried Deep Within The Sands Of Time.
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a decentralized art collective ⚘
So you're looking for ways to make money from home, Join the crowd! Because of the genius invention called the internet, many people all over the world are discovering more creative ways to cushion their bank accounts from the comforts of home. Hi, I'm Robert Frazier a passionate husband, father and entrepreneur. I'm also a Gofounder with the Hottest Business Opportunity Onpassive. Go here to find out more or to join.
I am the worlds queerest anarchist and the universes most politically incorrect queer. I self identify as transgender, genderqueer, panarchist, syndicalist, genderfuck, lesbian, post-Marxist, voluntarist, libertarian socialist, Rothbardian, Bookchinite, Guevarist, Dadaist, genderfluid, genderflux, sex-positive feminist, mentally ill, contrarian, Yippie, goth, punk, riot grrrrl, gonzo journalist, provocateur, iconoclast, pill head, gadfly, dabbler, suburban guerilla, anti-imperialist, service dom, mommy dom, brat tamer, Christopagan, pervert, weirdo, lapsed Catholic, dyke, crazy cat lady and enemy of the state, among other things. I hate big business, big government, organized religion, borders, prisons, compulsory schooling and the state. I write for Attack the System, Counterpunch and Rational Review, and I run the most dangerous blog online,
Jan 2020
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