
hey, i'm just your everyday Israeli feel free to talk to me and I will reply to you all respectfully :) take care guys.
Just same guy who like to talk to people in the comments
The Ends Of The Earth (TEOTE). I am not a professional anything. Nor, have I ever been. So, you can take this or you can leave this. But, even if it maybe the ONLY thing we WILL agree on, it is that there IS "THIS"... This, that we will be sharing. This, as you continue to read further. Alright? This is most likely for your entertainment So... There's your fuckin' "disclaimer", mkay? Don't say nobody ever told ya. "BE PREPARED". The Ends Of The Earth on YouTube Oddysee Rumble Twidder SoundCloud Music The Ends Of The Earth noun phrase Definition of the ends of the earth: The most remote places in the world —used figuratively to suggest no limit to an effort. Deuteronomy 28:49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from The Ends Of The Earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand. Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of The Ends Of The Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 5:26 He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at The Ends Of The Earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily! Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal strap is broken.
Shane Smith. I am 30. I am Interested. I am a Husband. I am a Father. I am just Happy to be here. i'm far more interested in hearing what people love than what they hate. I make music and i am the host of "OrganicPoison" and co-host of "Hylian Hideout" both podcasts are available most places podcast are available. I also host a weekly radio show on (Thursdays at 9PM) @shaneiso on IG
A father and daughter writing team. I post flash fiction regularly along with photos. Every Wednesday I post a #WeeklyWritingContest for everyone. If you like what I do a donation of tokens or money would help a lot.
Minds resident forester. Ask me about my trees.
niche internet micro-celebrity, semi-pro replyguy likes: black metal, martial industrial, neo folk, 80s/90s music boomer shooters tomboy stuff HEMA/WMA the occult, esotericism nature, technogaianism DIY, sewing, upcycling dislikes: cilantro tyranny enthusiasts (communists, fascists, the WEF, etc.) mass formation psychosis Bidenomics fluornated compounds microplastics
Self-taught jack of all trades, master of none. From the hellish temperatures of sub-tropical South America, you are welcome to have a seat at this filthy armchair. Here, grab a cold mojito, and enjoy the dankness about to be spilled. WARNING: I'm not an expert or professional on any subject at all. I'm not a medical, financial, psychological or otherwise a professional capable of giving reliable technical advice on any subject. Everything I post is either a joke or my personal opinions / experiences / views. (free profile pics used from and
The one and Only Fortean Barber! I did have another account here.
If it seems like I don't take the world seriously, then you'd be right. Nobody should at this point in history.
May 2019
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