
Firearms Instructor. Right Wing Guy. Video Game Fan since '79! Prefers Sig Sauers over all others. Not on Gab much anymore. I get bored easily so I post a LOT of memes. #KEK #MAGA #KAG #DITTOHEAD Lifetime Member of: The American Warrior Society, CCRKBA, Georgia Carry, Gun Owners of America and the Second Amendment Foundation. Annual Member of: Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network, Firearms Policy Coalition, Judicial Watch and The Personal Defense Network. Proud Member of Rush 24/7! Until the NRA gets rid of LaPierre and the rest of the corrupt Board DO NOT JOIN THE NRA...CANCEL your Membership...DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY. Under their leadership, the NRA has become a money making scheme for themselves and their families. The NRA now means (N)ot (R)eal (A)ctivists. If you live in Georgia then you need to know that the group, Georgia Gun Owners, is a fake group. They take money and members away from groups that actually fight for 2A Rights. They also claim other groups' 2A victories as their own while spreading lies about them. Much like the way the NRA is now, GGO is a money making scheme for its owner. They have done NOTHING in the fight for the 2A. They have only attacked other 2A groups and hurt our cause. Do not join them, support them or give them your hard earned money!
Pro 1st and 2nd amendments, well pro bill of rights really. Pro individual liberty and responsibility. Pro humor, sarcasm and nice pictures. Ex Navy. Anti group think because no individual is a demographic. Pro USA. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good. We have come a long way and will continue to improve. I like to argue. Having to defend my presumed position forces me to examine what I think I believe. It tickles my brain. If you don't want to argue, then don't respond, I will not hound you.
#Anonymous #News #Politics #Health #Universe  Namaste!!! You are all very much appreciated!! Please Remind if you would like. It's much appreciated! I do love Dragons as well as Wolves!! I have many areas that interest me and I hope you as well. I'm not infallable nor is anyone and if proven wrong then I'm not above admitting I'm wrong. I won't however be bullied into admitting something I know to be true. I despise Censorship!! If you take my pen, I shall draw my sword. The People have a Right to Knowledge as well as a Right to speak their mind. Debate between People is a good thing as long as both sides don't attempt to silence the other. I honestly wish you all the best and good health. Much Love!!! Share/remind please!! Children Of Thoth News Minds Vets End The War On Drugs Natural Cures LucasEW908 Healing Garden Of Eatin'
Weaponize Mind Control to racism Fiat printing Post Law America that Obama gave us 5/10/2020 threatening National Security with broad political meetings Cole versus Young Straw man into damage control
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell
Apr 2020
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