
Hi, I'm Steve. I suppose my extraordinary user name may have sold me out? lol. I live in North Eastern Montana. I was born and raised in Montana, and have never lived outside the State. It's a wonderful place for my wife & best friend to raise our twin boys (fraternal) One of our sons is "High Function Autistic", he simply amazes me daily, and I am extremely proud of all his hard work and progress. Our other son is your typical teenager, who loves playing sports and video games. He gets decent grades, and he amazes me daily as well. ( yes, our boys officially became "teenagers" this year) My wife and I run our own HVAC&R family business. We are not rich by anyones standards, but, The Good Lord has never left us needing for anything. Yes, we're Christians. We respect everyone's right to believe in, or not, whatever you choose. We have never condemned anyone for not holding the same beliefs as we do. We live in America. We, I suppose by most metrics, would be considered "hard core conservative". Does that mean were not open to new ideas? Of course not. Does that mean we're pro life? Yes. Does it mean you will condemn Pro Choice? Typically no, but I will defend life. Are you Republican? Typically, yes, although I have voted for Democrats and Independents. I look at candidates positions, who funds them, who they are. We try to research the candidates independently of the news media. Do you own a gun? Hell yes I do. I have hunted basically my whole life, for meat, and always on the look out for big horns lol. Always got the meat, never the "mountable" horns lol. How old are you? Well, I'm 49, thank you. I can proudly say, I have voted legally in every election I could since turning 18. Is your wife from Montana as well? No, my wife hails from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. We are living proof, entry into the U.S.A. is very possible legally. How did you and your wife meet? The internet. We became "best friends" at first. "Chatting" turned into phone calls, that turned into several "trips", where we fell in love. We have been "together" for 20 years, married for 18 years. Are you an ass? I sure the hecks can be, but can't we all? Raising children has definitely taught me patience, understanding and a host of many other important things in life. What about your parents? Well, they are both deceased. I lost my mom 10 years ago, and my dad 15 years ago. Damn, I miss them tremendously.
location_onMontana, United States
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