
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3,17)
artist/writer Hey :)
hey guys! i'm Drtyhippiepanda and welcome to my page. i talk about anti-SJW and anti-feminist topics as well as some political topics. i also run a YouTube channel. :)
I make videos on YouTube. I'm an extremely passionate fan of free speech, so if you want me to talk your ear off, just mention free speech and I'll emerge from the shadows, citing legal cases and whatnot.
I'm an Anti-SJW and a sceptic with autism that enjoys posting things about Feminism, SJWs and PC culture in general, mostly comical stuff. My political leaning goes something like this. In Sweden i'm a fascist and in America i'm a communist, what am i? I'm also not to fond of Islam. Oh who am i kidding, i hate islam with a passion.
Political commentator, Writer, Juris Doctor, Pragmatist. Check out my articles: Follow me on Gab:
A 21 year old aspiring artist...that's it. If you'd like to get in contact, just send me a message or email me at [email protected] #Art #Manga #memes #bubblegumbitch #Msbubblegumbitch
The Young Turks perpetrated the Ottoman Genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks. Cenk Uygur has a long history of Armenian Holocaust denial. The main aim of this channel is to educate people about Cenk's abysmal record, to get Cenk to finally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide (hopefully on or before Genocide Memorial Day the 24th April) and to put pressure on The Young Turks to change the disgraceful name of their show.
Mar 2017
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