I am a traveller of both time and space.
Here you will find #sunsetposting / #sunriseposting, random drawings, and many music rants β I am a slave to the #AutismTheMusical muse, who leads me where she will.
My username is a play on the David Bowie character of the Thin White Duke.
I play music and stuff on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ThinWhiteAxe
Look forward to many posts about music - some including a borderline autistic level of background on the artists and albums on display.
Sometimes, reality becomes unbearable and I dip into rants, politics, and weird fantasies that usually involve usage of heavy weapons, comets, marital aids attached to household appliances, and goblins.
It's a pretty good time.
I'm Vilma the kitty and I purr in Finland. I like chimken snacks and pat pat pats. I share pretty videos and pictures of me and my daily life.
Nice to meowt you :3
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