
Just a small Strawberry flavored bunny trying to find her way in this strange yet fascinatingly hilarious world. As for what I do... I do what I want Art: Commission work, Fan Art, and Coloring Write, and Vtuber (gaming streamer). Possibly let's play streaming (haven't done that in awhile) ... stuff like that I know this doesn't sound very professional, but in a day and age where everyone either wants to all wear a mask of dignity or be a complete slob... I am exhausted of it and would just rather be myself. I will treat others by how much I know them and how I am treated. I try to put out as much positivity and objective thinking as possible so I receive the same treatment back. If this is abused, I won't be so nice. Just because I am nice does not mean that I am open to being abused. So with all that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy what I put up. And thank you so much for the support.
Alive on planet Earth.
#GodlessHeathenArtistEmpathLightwarriorLoverIntrovertSapiosexualAtheistTrutherExvaxxerbyresearchAnarchistSpiritualgangsterCoffeeaddictFoodloverEnvironmentalistNoClimatetardFreethinkerNoCoronaTardINFPA Thank you for subscribing, Subscribe to my reminds too, vote, remind, comment good or bad...let me know what you feel... IDGAF if you downvote, downvoters that do so without having some balls to say why are kinda pathetic imo and will probably get blocked asap...don't waste my time... Don't like what I say? Pro-Tip: Unsubscribe...block...ignore like you ignore truth...when that doesn't work remove yourself from the gene-pool? I will subscribe to channels that bring shit I like... IDGAF bout what you believe&shit... or if we differ on 9/10...IDC... I'll cherish the one post that suits me... but if you try to preach... You Gone... No hard feelings tho...namaste... Like I care about the numbers...Maybe I'm just not your style/frequency...maybe you think I'm crazy...can't actually blame you for that LMAO Have a nice life anyway I Bless you . I despise hate from&towards any belief, ideology or race ... Hate will consume you, be wiser... Subbed doesn't mean I share your view, but I do want to read&see where you're at... And to finish, refrain from analyzing me...Wannabe psychologists are dead-wrong & it'll only expose your lack of intelligence...Not even experienced REAL shrinks can start to scratch the surface of my mind, don't make a fool out of yourself!
#MAGA supporter. Conservative news, comments and occasional satire.
:: Connect * Collaborate * Create :: It's about the power of will, first your individual will and then the collective will. A calling, to a universal giggle .. getting louder and louder! :: This giggle to us is a call to action :: and we can hear it loud and clear! We promote power in choosing something collaboratively without trappings of a hive-mind. Here we encourage other artists to be themselves, further develop their name aka brand, while also contributing to the open art collaborative that is the Infinite Imaginarium or #Imaginarium :: We Believe :: Building sustainability should be cultivated in an art community by mutual respect, trust, and willingness to be vulnerable while we continue to grow, we all ask for help from each other.. so please don't be shy! And in.. a kind of self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose that together help create the richness needed to perfect the soil of our imaginarigarden of creativity :: We invite you to reach out :: if you have questions, would like to be interviewed or featured by all means, email us links and any accompanying bio! :: Podcast :: :: E-mail Us :: [email protected] :: ii ART GROUP ::
I share and remind topics and articles I find interesting. I may not agree with all points of the articles or videos that I share, but nevertheless see it as worth discussing. I believe in the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights. I believe in the freedom of and for the individual. I believe in the absolute right of the individual to protect their lives, the lives of their kin and property. I believe in our God-given (whether you believe or not) human rights for all. I do not believe in extra or special rights or protections for anyone. This always leads to problems or a form of subjugation for those outside this special or "protected" class. I am for everyone being free to pursue their own livelihoods without other people or governments stepping in. The only legitimate purpose of a valid government is to keep the shared interests of its citizens maintained and to protect our rights, property and freedoms. The government should NEVER be used to try to force views or thoughts onto its citizens, nor to silence them. I am usually polite and often enjoy a discussion with others, regardless of whether or not I may agree with you on everything. As long as what you are fighting for does not impede my freedoms, I may even change my mind from time to time. Being offended is a neutral state for everyone except the person who is offended. If you are offended, you can learn to accept it, choose to ignore it, find a different path or reaction, or work to improve the factors involved; you may not change others to try to make them fit your perception of the correct way to do life. For your sake, if you are easily offended or can't live with the idea that others disagree with you, Grow Up. That is all.
I live my life in the woods and only post my own pictures.
The name's Seth. Politics are cringe Embrace Anime Booba
Freedom absolutist. Screw your government, mine, all of them! Random short clips of vidya, entertainment commentary (mostly vidya), and original drawings and memes. For my original comic, L'Amour Toxic, check the group For even spicier drawings, check the group
Just lying in a field of bluebells watching the clouds go by.  Nature and Travel Photography by me, and other things that suits my fancy. Instagram: Twitter: Gab: Flickr: YouTube: Now a link to my YouTube that works. Still not much on it though 🤪
Feb 2021
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